
$430, 400ft in sum, 100ft of the living room, Roommate wanted.

leochan_1984 回复:1 | 查看:1796 | 发表于 2011-8-28 17:31:41 |阅读模式   |复制链接




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$430, 400ft in sum, 100ft of the living room, Roommate wanted.

I am new admitted student at UW, a quiet person with healthy lifestyle, coming from China.

I am now living in the University Village, 2251 N.E. Blakeley ST. | Seattle, WA. http://www.trinitypartnership.net/property/trailwood-apartments/ It locates directly close to the trail way, you could go anyplace of UW by bike within one quarter. It also only costs you 5 minutes to arrive at the bus station, and you would spend 10 minutes to get to school by express 68 or express 372. And you would cost only ten minutes to walk to the QFC, SAFEWAY, H&M, US BANK, AT&T, CHASE, and so forth. The house is well administrated and safe. It is really convenient to live here. To sum up, it is an ideal place for living, no matter for location, environment or facilities.

The apartment is about 400ft, one bedroom, one bathroom, one living and dinner room, and one kitchen (see pictures). The facilities are pretty good. I need one student to share the apartment with me. I do have some requirements for you. The first requirement for you is that you could not snore when you are asleep. I would be bothering a lot by the noise. The second requirement for you is that you must be responsible, feels like paying the renting fee on time, sharing housework with me, and so forth.

The rent is $860 in sum, you need to pay $430 each month, including the sewer, water and garbage fee. The deposit is $500, half is refundable and half is non refundable. Besides that, you only need to pay the internet and the electricity fee, about 30-50 each month.

If you have interests in this apartment and live with me, please inform me by email. My email is leochan_1984@163.com. We could arrange an appointment. The best time for visit my house is 4:00 PM.

5122 (google map) (yahoo map)
Location: 2251 N.E. Blakeley ST
it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
发表于 2011-8-30 20:05:42
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