
西雅图技术论坛活动: Cases of Big Data

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STF 01/16 Event: Cases of Big Data


Event Details


What: Cases of Big Data

When: Wed, Jan 16th, 2012 6:00pm -- 9:00pm

Where: Bellevue City Hall

Event style: Talks, Q&A and interactive discussion

Admission: Registration required

RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/events/91548732/

Parking: Free (but limited)

Food: Light snacks/drink provided

Gifts: Swags from our sponsors are available, including major door prize(s).

We are expecting 100+ people from local companies, organizations and start-ups, not necessarily technical people, but also marketing professionals, PM, recruiters, investors...

Besides the senior speakers, there may be 30+ VIP guests from Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Boeing, Facebook, Zynga, Ebay, Intel, IBM, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC, Hulu, Oracle, SAP, CA, UW, City University, Seattle University, EMC, Expedia, Tableau, Zillow, SEOmoz, Bungie, Nintendo, Nordstrom, Alaska Airlines, Dice, Salesforce, SGI, VMWare, Citrix...

Come on time and print out the confirmation page to guarantee a seat.


Tentative Event Agenda, Speakers and Topics


6:00pm - 6:50pm, Snack & Social Networking (come early and meet interesting tech guru and investors, besides food)

6:50pm - 7:00pm, Introduction

7:00pm - 7:30pm, Talk
Philosophy of Big Data, from information to Intelligence using predictive analytics
Speaker: Arpit Gupta, Sr Product Manager, Amazon
Defining Big Data, Market Landscape, Applications, Technologies. Case Study on Sentiment Analysis.The talk will focus on painting the pro and cons of Big Data and how is it being leveraged in making our planet smart. It will also caution users to not assume it will solve the world hunger problem.
Arpit has been leading the Big Data Predictive Analytics Platform as a service on the cloud at Amazon. His business focus is on developing strategies for Machine Learning and Data Mining Platform and Services catered to enterprises and developers, using mechanical turk for solutions in Retail, Fraud, Advertising, Search and payments. Prior to this he led the Retail Customer Experience initiatives at Amazon. Arpit has interests in areas such as eCommerce, Advertising, Big Data, Analytics, Machine Learning, cloud and has held several senior management positions at Yahoo, Oracle and Hughes. He also co-founded a boutique consulting firm in areas of outsourced product development, market research and leadership trainings. He holds a BE in Computer Science and Engineering and MBA in Finance. He also holds 33 patents and publications in mobile, advertising, search, fraud and related areas and is active public speaker in conferences. Arpit actively consults with startups and growth companies in the above areas and advises on strategy, insights, go to market and patents.

7:30pm - 8:00pm, Talk
Big Data for Erlang VM and Manycore OS
Speaker: Ying Li, Chief Scientist and Co-Founder, Concurix Corporation
Applying big data ideas, methods, and implementations, we at Concurix have identified opportunities for optimizing the performance of Erlang applications. This talk will present details of the data and analyses of Erlang VM and OS traces, The performance gain obtained on Erlang applications using the big data approaches will be reported. As for big data in general, I will share some of my experiences both in data culture as well as in data tools.
Dr. Li is a leading practitioner in big data and large-scale knowledge discovery, data mining and analytics, recognized by the ACM SIGKDD Service Award in 2012. Dr. Li is a pioneer in Internet scale data mining, applying her extensive academic and industry research expertise at Computer Research Institute of Montreal and to the first big data analytics effort at Microsoft in 1998. She continued to advance the field in subsequent years, building state of the art technologies in data mining, machine learning, information retrieval, computational advertising, internet monetization, business intelligence, online privacy, and personal data. She holds over 50 patents filed, has collaborated with over 100 researchers and data scientists, and has built and led world class data mining organizations of over 300 people.

Dr. Li received B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mathematics from Peking University, Beijing, China, and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. She is currently the Chief Scientist and Co-Founder of Concurix Corporation, a new startup building high performance operating systems for big data and big compute.

8:00pm - 8:30pm, Talk
Big Data for the Masses: How We Opened Up the Doors to Google’s Dremel
Speaker: Jim Caputo, Engineering Manager, BigQuery, Google
Dremel is a scalable, interactive ad-hoc query system. By combining multi-level execution trees and columnar data layout, Dremel allows users to run queries in a SQL-like language over tables with billions of rows in seconds. Dremel uses an architecture distinct from MapReduce-based platforms to improve efficiency when running multiple simultaneous query jobs. The system scales to thousands of CPUs and petabytes of data, and has thousands of users at Google querying web logs, ad analytics and financial data. Google’s situation is no longer unique. As more and more companies collect massive amounts of data, they need to quickly analyze it without large investments in infrastructure or human capital. We want everyone to have the power of Dremel.  BigQuery puts the powerful interactive querying capabilities of Dremel into the hands of users everywhere.
Jim Caputo is the Engineering Manager for Google’s BigQuery team, and heads the engineering efforts to externalize Google’s large scale data processing for developers and enterprise customers. Prior to his tenure at Google, Jim worked on product teams at Expedia and Microsoft.

8:30pm - 9:00pm, Q&A to all speakers, and interactive free discussion

9:00pm, Door prize draw


Intro of Sea-Tech Forum


Seattle Technical Forum is a loosely coupled Seattle-wide discussion forum for technology (esp. cloud, web, mobile, game, telecom ...). The forum is a platform for professionals to:

· Collaborate with other professionals

· Share ideas

· Foster creative brainstorming

· Promote your company, products, and technical events

Its members cover all major IT companies in the Seattle area and many start-ups and organizations.

Its event announcement reaches 20,000+ IT people.

Please join our discussion group at: http://groups.google.com/group/seattle-tech-forum & meetup at: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/ for event updates and, of course, lively discussion.

We also allow members to pre-register for events with a lowered registration fee.

Also feel free to join our Facebook group and Linkedin group too:

fb: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_161613450548153

linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/e/g1vxqt-ghfjupxt-h/vgh/3710277/

We are actively seeking new sponsors and speakers...

Intro of ComputeNext


ComputeNext, a cloud service broker, seeks to change how organizations discover, provision, and procure cloud services. With their e-commerce platform for cloud IaaS, ComputeNext has made it possible to search, discover, and utilize infrastructure from a growing inventory of cloud service providers. Today you can discover and deploy IaaS from 12+ cloud service providers (in 20 locations) as well as launch multi-cloud private PaaS (CloudFoundry) from a single account or REST API.
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