Elementary Statistics by Mario F. Triola 11th edition (Stat 311)
Psychology by David G. Myers 9th edition (Psychology 101)
Topics in Mathematical Modeling by K. K. Tung (Amath 383)
Introduction to Law Management 200 Carper/Mietus/West/Berman/Greiner/Saliba (MGMT 200)
Geology An Introduction to Physical Geology by Chernicoff & Whitney 4th edition (ESS 101)
International Economics by Theo S. Eicher, John H. Mutti and Michelle H. Turnovsky 7th edition (Econ 472)
Principles of Macroeconomics by Mankiw 5th edition (Econ 201)
An introduction to the world's Oceans by Keith A. Sverdrup and E. Virginia Armbrust 10th edition (Ocean 101)
Calculus by James Stewart (Math 124 &125)
International Economics by Appleyard/Field/Cobb 7th edition (Econ 471)
Physics for scientists and engineers by Tipler 6th edition (Physics 122/123)
Mathematical Thinking Problem Solving and Proofs by John P. D'Angelo Douglas B. West 2th edition (Math 300)
Microeconomic Theory: basic principles and extensions by Walter Nicholson and Christopher M. Snyder 11th edition (Econ 400)
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