
Cheering for DragZama soccer games--为Seattle中国和Amazon足球队加油!

春哥 回复:1 | 查看:2954 | 发表于 2012-8-6 21:17:10 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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Team DragZama, will “represent” China to attend 2012 GSSL over-30 international cup.

We are in Group A; our schedule is as follows:

08/11: 10 AM Mexico versus China at Marymoor #1
08/11: 1:45 PM China versus Italy at Marymoor #2
08/12: 11 AM Iran versus China at Marymoor #2
08/12: 1 PM Semi-final at Marymoor #2/#1
08/12: 4PM final at Marymoor #1

Marymoor park is located at West Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE & NE Marymoor Way, Redmond, WA 98052. Games are 30-minute halves, except finals, which will be 90-minutes, unless both teams agree to play shorter halves.

The other group includes USA, Japan, Peru, and Vietnam.

We have got a big Chinese flag, and we have been contacting local media, including new Chinese Radio Station and Qiao2 Bao4.

If you happen to know some sponsors or if you are willing to sponsor the events, please let me know
发表于 2012-8-9 22:40:47
今年西雅图地区30岁以上小世界杯的赛事将于8月11日和12日在Marymoor Park球场举行。附图是今年参赛的8个“国家”队及比赛日程安排。曾凡聪是今年中国队Team China队长。李少华是召集人之一。目前球队在紧张练习之中。

少华前几年曾多次带队参赛。我记得很多年前第一届比赛称 World Cup。由于和FIFA名称冲突改为All Nations Cup。现在称International Cup。
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