
STF 05/16 Event: Mobile Computing Revealed (Session Three)

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This is a Seattle Technical Forum Event Announcement.
Your can stop reading if you are not interested in technical events around Seattle area.

Sea-Tech Forum and Greythorn will co-host a special event about Mobile Computing.
Please feel free to forward this event announcement to your friends, team, company and organization.

Event Details
What: Mobile Computing Revealed (Session Three)
When: Wed, May 16th, 2012 6:00pm -- 9:00pm
Where: Bellevue City Hall
Event style: Talks, Q&A and interactive discussion
Admission: Registration required
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/events/36852422/
Parking: Free (but limited)
Food: Light snacks/drink provided at hallway (no food/drink allowed in the conference room)
Gifts: Swags from our sponsors are available, including major door prize(s)

We are expecting 130+ people from local companies, organizations and start-ups, not necessarily technical people, but also marketing professionals, PM, recruiters, investors...

Besides the senior speakers, there may be 30+ VIP guests from Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Boeing, Facebook, Zynga, Ebay, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC, Hulu, Oracle, SAP, CA, UW, EMC, Expedia, Zillow, SEOmoz, Bungie, Nintendo, Intel, Dice, IBM, Salesforce, SGI, VMWare, Citrix...

Come on time and print out the confirmation page to guarantee a seat.

Tentative Event Agenda, Speakers and Topics
6:00pm - 6:30pm, Snack & social (come early and meet interesting tech guru and investors, besides food)

6:50pm - 7:00pm, Introduction

7:00pm - 7:30pm, Talk
Discovery Paradigms for Mobile Applications
Speaker: George Zhu, Senior Technical Program Manager, HTC
Abstract: We will explore and compare a few discovery paradigms for mobile applications on the market, and discuss how consumers may consume content in the future.
Bio: George Zhu is a Senior Technical Program Manager at HTC. He enjoys building mobile software that combines the powers of smart phones and cloud computing, in order to improve the mobile experience for regular folks.  Prior to joining HTC he was a Technical Program Manager at Amazon.com focusing on growing its third-party sales business.  Before that he was a Program Manager at Microsoft and shipped various products in Windows Server, Windows Client, and adCenter.  He holds a MBA from University of Washington, a MS from University of Virginia, and a BE from Zhejiang University.

7:30pm - 8:00pm, Talk
Ocean Model: a model for large scale software development
Speaker:    William Campbell, Program Manager of Mobility, Nordstrom
Abstract: Wil is presenting orignal work he developed; a model for large scale software development known as the Ocean Model. It is engineering related, but applicable as a generalized model for any medium to large scale development.
Bio: Wil Campbell started programming computers when he was nine years old.  His professional career in Software Engineering has included award winning work in organizations running from startups through Fortune 100 companies like Microsoft and Nordstrom.  He currently leads customer facing mobile application development for Nordstrom and has his own company, Wil Campbell Software.

8:00pm - 8:30pm, Talk
Using Cloud for Mobile Applications
Speaker: Sriram Subramanian, Lead Developer, ComputeNext
Abstract: To support scaling out and being able to store huge volume of data, mobile applications increasingly use various cloud technologies. Applications like 'Draw Something' were able to scale seamlessly to serving millions of users by being on cloud. Amount of data being used/ processed by mobile apps is also increasing exponentially.This talk digs deeper in to using cloud technologies for developing mobile application by dissecting through a simple Windows Phone application. The techniques are however applicable to all kind of mobile platforms. From this talk, mobile developers can have a deeper understanding of how to use cloud for scaling their applications.
Bio: I am Lead Developer at ComputeNext Inc, where I currently work with multiple cloud platforms and cloud technologies. ComputeNext enables a Federated MarketPlace for Cloud resources (think Expedia for Cloud). Previously I was with various companies like Microsoft, Intel, Hitachi, working on a wide spectrum of technologies like Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Compilers, and Low Power Design. I am passionate about Cloud Computing, working at startups and enriching local startup ecosystem. I am also interested in Green/ Clean Technology, and Holistic Living.

8:30pm - 9:00pm, Q&A to all speakers, and interactive free discussion

9:00pm, Door prize draw

9:00pm - 9:30pm, Social

Intro of Sea-Tech Forum
Seattle Technical Forum is a loosely coupled Seattle-wide discussion forum for technology (esp. IT, web, mobile, game, telecom ...). The forum is a platform for professionals to:
· Collaborate with other professionals
· Share ideas
· Foster creative brainstorming
· Promote your company, products, and technical events
Its members cover all major IT companies in the Seattle area and many start-ups and organizations.
Its event announcement reaches about 20,000 IT people.

Please join our discussion group at: http://groups.google.com/group/seattle-tech-forum & meetup at: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/ for event updates and, of course, lively discussion.
We also allow members to pre-register for events with a lowered registration fee.

Also feel free to join our Facebook group and Linkedin group too:
  fb: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_161613450548153
  linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/e/g1vxqt-ghfjupxt-h/vgh/3710277/

Speakers and sponsors are always welcome!

Intro of Greythorn
Greythorn IT specialists have been providing staffing solutions for over 30 years. Our recruitment teams are well versed in the technology issues facing the industry today, from balancing the cost of development to achieving business objectives through outsourcing.

We pride ourselves on our reputation for quality and ‘nice people to do business with’ approach; going the extra mile to deliver the right resources. Greythorn recruits with quality at the forefront of its resource methodology. Our focus is excellence rather than volume and we aim to work as a valued partner with a full appreciation of your business.

Greythorn’s Mobile Practice specializes on mobile application development. We connect highly skilled niche candidates with clients looking to fill challenging and rewarding positions across all major Smartphone platforms. Greythorn also partners with OEMs, mobile carriers and application development providers throughout North and Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
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