
Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) - Seattle 2012 Scholarship Program‏

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Please find below announcement for the 10th Annual Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) – Seattle 2012 Scholarship Program and its Chinese version in the attachment.  We would appreciate you sharing this scholarship opportunity on CSSA-UW website. Final award winners will be invited to the September 2012 CIE/USA-Seattle Annual Award Gala.

To provide our contributions and commitment to the Asian Pacific American (APA) community, CIE/USA – Seattle is proud to announce the following 2012 APA youth scholarship program:

     Scholarship Award -

A motivation program designed to promote APA career interest in the fields of science, engineering, and technology.   There are three award categories covering 7th graders to undergraduate college students with a total award amount of $4000.  Application period ends June 15, 2012.

For the detailed award program and application process, please visit http://www.cie-sea.org or email us at ciescholarship@cie-sea.org.

Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) was first founded in 1917 in the United States by a group of dedicated and far-reaching Chinese engineers who graduated and were trained in the United States. The objective of CIE/USA is to promote information exchange among engineers and scientists who are interested in the well-being of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community in the U.S. and abroad.

In conjunction with six other chapters in the United States, the institute has been hosting the renowned “Asian American Engineers of the Year” (AAEOY) gala event during for the past 10 years.  Among the corporate leaders, scientists and engineers that have been honored, 8 were Nobel Prize laureates.  The 2011 AAEOY was held in Seattle on February 25 - 26, which included job fair, exhibitions and Award banquet.

CIE/USA – Seattle members comprise a diverse background including aviation, biomedicine, finance, information technologies, telecommunications, environmental, and other professions.

For more information about CIE/USA-Seattle organization, please visit http://www.cie-sea.org. We look forward to having students from the Greater Seattle area participate in this annual scholarship opportunity.

Sincerely yours,

Angelina Huang/Yong Zhou

Vice Presidents, CIE/USA – Seattle

2012 CIE Scholarship Simplified Chinese1.pdf (47.89 KB, 下载次数: 899)
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