
2012 Chinese Bridge Competition for College Students to be held at UW May 5

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2012 Chinese Bridge Competition for College Students to be held at UW May 5
Update: The April 25 deadline to apply for the preliminary round of the 2012 Chinese Bridge Competition for College Students is fast approaching. To encourage more participation, the number of questions on the test has been reduced to a total of 50.  In addition, students can choose to compete in all three categories (A. Speech in Chinese language,  B. Knowledge of China, and C. Performance), or they may choose to compete in just one.  Every contestant will be awarded a certificate for participation.

Chinese Bridge is an international competition organized by the Office of the Chinese Language Council International (known in Chinese as Hanban). This year’s competition will be held in Beijing in July. The competition tests the Chinese language and culture knowledge of non-native speakers aged 15 to 30, and helps participants strengthen their competency.

The Confucius Institute of the State of Washington will hold a preliminary contest at the University of Washington May 5 for students in Washington state. The application deadline is April 25.

College students studying Chinese can take part in this contest of Chinese language and cultural knowledge and win a trip to China to compete with international students. Finalists in Beijing will compete to win scholarships to universities in China.

Hanban has hosted “Chinese Bridge” around the world since 2001. The Washington state contest is hosted for the first time by the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington.

Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012

Location: University of Washington

2012 Registration_Form_for_College_Students

Contest includes:

A) Chinese language proficiency — Participants must give a speech under 3 minutes, choosing one of the following topics:

China and I  (我与中国)
The Chinese Language Enriched My Life  (汉语丰富了我的人生
My China Dream   (我的中国梦)
China, My Second Home  (中国,我的第二故乡)
I Traveled in China   (我在中国旅行)
Happiness in Learning Chinese  (快乐学汉语)
A Comparative View of Chinese & US Cultures  (中美文化比较)
Chinese & American Peoples   (中美两国人民)
Why Do I Learn Chinese   (我为什么要学中文)
My Favorite Chinese Food   (我喜欢的中国饮食)
China-US Relations in My Eyes   (中美关系之我见)

B) Chinese knowledge — Participants will be asked various questions to test their knowledge of China by a panel of judges.

Three study guides are available below. (The competition will have only 50 questions in total).

Knowledge of China


Chinese language

C) Skills and performances — Participants will be asked to give a performance of Chinese culture, such as singing Chinese songs, playing a Chinese instrument, dance, calligraphy, painting, paper-cutting or Kung Fu.

Who can participate:

Registered students in college and university of the state of Washington, including undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students aged 15 to 30. Participants must be non-Chinese citizens who grew up outside China and whose native language is not Chinese.

Evaluation and Awards:

Local Chinese language teachers will serve as judges, and awards will be announced on the day of the competition.

The first place Excellence Award Winner will be recommended to Hanban in China, and Hanban will select participants for the quarter-final and final contests.  Travel and other expenses in China will be covered by Hanban.

All students who participate in the preliminary contest will be awarded with certificates for their participation.

Application deadline: April 25, 2012

To register please fill out the registration form above and email to: ciwa@uw.edu

More information:
http://confucius.washington.edu/ ... r-college-students/

http://confucius.washington.edu/ ... r-college-students/
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