
Invitation from CMU Summit on US-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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Dear all,

Greetings from CMU Summit on US-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship!

Our 2012 conference is a 1st ever and epic event in the mid of US! With more than 30 high profile speakers and leaders specialized in IT, Finance, Energy and Environment, Healthcare, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, we are here to cordially invite you, future global leaders, to join us to participate in the discussion, contribute your ideas, build up personal networks, start professional career, sparkle ideas and innovative thoughts, communicate and make friends, at Carnegie Mellon University this April 28-29 in Pittsburgh, PA. Our Early Bird tickets are now ON SALE!!!

RSVP :  http://cmusummit2012.eventbrite.com

If you need assistance on lodging, feel free to email cmusummit@gmail.com

The first CMU Summit on US-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a first-ever high-profile China-focused conference in Pittsburgh with broad media coverage by mainstream presses from both nations. It aims to promote inter-communications and bilateral cooperation between the US and China, and to cultivate more potential partnerships. It is jointly organized by CMU Summit, CMU Chinese Student & Scholars Association (CMU-CSSA), and Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association (HYSTA) DC chapter, supported by the Pittsburgh regional alliance, and Carnegie Mellon University.

The Summit is composed of six sections, including Keynote Speech, Panel Discussions, New Venture Competition, Next Generation Technology Showcase, Career fair and Networking. Panelists include leading scholars, industry leaders, top-tier venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and policy makers from both nations to address big issues on Finance and Capital Market, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Energy and Environment, Information Technology, and Healthcare and Biotechnology.

As future global leaders, you definitely want to witness these high end conversations. You shall not miss opportunities to

·         Listen to great talks by leaders from various backgrounds and gain their unique insights into the current most popular topics and industry trends
·         Network with business leaders, company representatives, alumni, and elite students
·         Opportunities to talk to Venture Capitalists face to face
·         Meet those who share the same ambition with you in Entrepreneurship and exchange ideas with them

Attached document is an introduction including agenda, speaker list, involved companies and other information.

INTERACT with CMU Summit and to know more:

Official Website: http://www.cmu-summit.org

RENREN Page: http://page.renren.com/cmusummit

SINA Weibo: http://www.weibo.com/cmusummit

FACEBOOK Page: http://www.facebook.com/cmusummit


CMU Summit Team

Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213
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