
Kaplan's Black Friday -- Sales on GRE, MCAT, GMAT classes!

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Kaplan’s Black Friday – Cyber Monday sale runs from November 25th
through November 28th.  Invest in yourself this season with a prep
course from Kaplan, the industry leader.  Kaplan offers personalized
learning with adaptive technology, top-rated faculty—by students‡ and
the best guarantee in the industry: get a higher score or your money
back.** This special offer ends Monday November 28th, so don’t delay –
sign up for your Kaplan class today.

Classes are starting soon in Seattle:

GRE- ERSE11702A, 1/10/12, Seattle Kaplan Center

MCAT- MCSE12305A, 12/5/11, Seattle Kaplan Center

LSAT- LSSE11853, 1/8/12, Northcut Landing

GMAT- GMSE11702, 12/5/11, Seattle Kaplan Center

DAT/OAT- DASE11801, 1/10/11, Seattle Kaplan Center

Classes are also starting live, online via Kaplan’s exclusive
Classroom AnywhereTM technology.  You’ll attend class from anywhere
with an internet connection.  It’s easy—just sign up, log in, and
you’re there.  To learn more and to enroll, visit www.kaptest.com or
call 1-800-KAP-TEST.

*$200 discount applies to One-on-One, On Site and Classroom Anywhere™
Advantage, Extreme, or Advanced test prep programs for the GMAT, GRE,
LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT or PCAT and On Demand courses for the MCAT, DAT,
OAT or PCAT in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Excluded
from the offer are LSAT, GRE and GMAT On Demand courses and MCAT and
LSAT Summer Intensive Programs. Cannot be combined with any other
offer or promotion. †GRE® is a registered trademark of the Educational
Testing Service, which neither sponsors nor endorses this product. All
other test names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
None of the trademark holders are affiliated with Kaplan. ‡Teacher
ratings based on student responses received from December 6, 2009 -
June 6, 2010 **Higher Score Guarantee: Conditions and restrictions
apply. For guarantee eligibility requirements, visit kaptest.com/hsg.
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