
CHIME 2011 Giving Campaign Party (微软食神大赛)

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CHIME  2011 Giving Campaign Party

Café 34 on Friday 10/21 (5:00PM – 9:00PM)


Dear Friends & Families of CHIME,

As this year’s Giving Campaign kicks off, CHIME Board is proud to present:

Come join us for an evening of great food and exciting games for everyone! Bring your family, your kids, your friends, your neighbors – everybody is welcome! Activities include:

o   The 4th “BITE of CHIME” 第四届微软华协食神大赛(Register here)

o   CHIME Poker Tournaments 微软华协赌神大赛 (Register here)

o   1st CHIME “Auction” 实物捐赠拍卖(Register here to contribute an item)

o   Photo booth

All proceeds will be donated to one of the following nonprofit organizations – YOU can make a difference!
o   China Tomorrow Education Foundation (明日中华教育基金)

o   Seattle Chinese Garden (西华园)

o   Others_____

微软华协食神大赛 (Bite of CHIME 2011)


One of CHIME’s Giving Campaign Drive traditions, Bite of CHIME is coming again this year as part of the CHIME Giving Campaign Party on October 21, 2011 from 5pm to 7pm!

Calling All Chefs - CHIME Annual Cook-off Challenge

Do you enjoy cooking? Is Food Network one of your favorite TV channels? Are you on the must-invite list of your friends’ potluck parties?

If your answer is Yes to one of the questions, or if you just love to participate a fun and meaningful event, come sign up for the Cook-off Challenge.

The most popular chef with the most votes from the tasters wins a Golden Pig Statue.

Please register here.

Calling Food Lovers – Eating and Giving

Not that into cooking? Not a problem. How about getting a plate of house-specials from your peer chefs and local restaurants,

chatting with old acquaintances and meeting new friends, and contributing to a good cause? Join the tasting crowd to show your support!

Cost: $10.00 per plate to taste all dishes and cast your vote for your most favorite one!
See you there!!!

微软华协赌神大赛 (CHIME Giving Campaign Poker Tournament 2011)

Have you ever wanted to play in an intense and exciting Poker tournament like the one on ESPN?

Want to represent CHIME in the Microsoft-wide Giving Campaign Tournament of Champions and have the chance to play against MS executives?

Interested in joining an evening of fun games and great food, while contributing to a good cause?

Do you have the skills, luck, and determination to claim the grand title of 赌神?

If so, come join us on October 21, 2001 at 5:00pm for this year’s Giving Campaign Poker Tournament!

Tournament Details

Game: No-Limit Texas Hold’Em
Location: Café 34
Time: 10/21/2011 (Free practice games starting at 5:00pm, official tournament starting at 6:00pm)
Buy-Ins: $40
Re-buys: Unlimited for the first hour
Registration: http://givepoker/Register.aspx?Tid=113

Winners will be given prizes, and have the chance to participate in the Microsoft-wide Giving Campaign Tournament of Champions!

Don’t know how to play Texas Hold’em? No problem - free tutorial sessions available starting at 5:00pm.

Registrations are preferred, but we will also accept walk-ins. Please note – registrations are for FTEs  only.

Questions? Feel free to contact ricliu@microsoft.com

CHIME Donation & Auction(实物捐赠拍卖)

Every family probably owns something that has value and in good condition, but no longer needed. Those things, however, can be critically helpful for the others.

To connect the idle supply with eager demand for charity purposes, CHIME is happy to announce the 1st CHIME Auction event during this giving campaign month.

When, where?

- The donated items will be displayed 5:00PM - 7:00PM at the 10/21 CHIME Giving Campaign Party for people to bid in Cafe 34.

What to donate?

- Anything that can be potentially useful to others. For example, drinks, small home and kitchen appliance, computers and peripherals, art works, outdoor equipment, etc.
- In good condition and not too bulky

How to bid?

-       Come to the party.

-       There will be a bidding sheet in front of every donated item.

-       Every donated item will have an estimated value given by the owner.

-       The bid start from 50% of estimated value.

-       The highest bidder will get the item at the end of the event.

-       If you really want an item, the "Buy it now" price is 150% of estimated price.

Want to donate partially?

No problem. The donor can specify the percentage he wants to donate, from 50%-100%.
For example, if Y choose to contribute 50% of the donation, and his donated item is sold at $100, Y will receive $50 and $50 will go to the NPO.

Participate in the donation:

-       Register here to contribute an item

-       Bidders please come to the party to bid

CHIME friends, use your imagination, find a better home for the things you don't need that much, and make the auction a channel between idle supply and eager demand!


CHIME's Giving Campaign has been a long great tradition organized by CHIME Board since 2002. Last year, CHIME members donated a total of $267,084 dollars, and 34% were from volunteer hours.


China Tomorrow Education Foundation (明日中华教育基金会)

Chinese Information Service Center (仁人服务社)

            Cultural Exploration of Greater China Foundation (中华文化之旅)

            Washington Association for Chinese Education  (WACE)

             Chinese Dance Foundation (中国舞蹈学院)

            Seattle Chinese Garden (西华园)

Love Without Boundaries (爱心无国界慈善基金会)

Northwest Chinese School (西北中文学校)

Wing Luke Asian Museum

Tzu Chi (慈济基金会)

United Way of King County

Red Cross (美国红十字会)

KINON (健安疗养院)

We give  , they receive  !
Thanks for your generous support!
Please contact CHIMEB
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