
[吹水聊天] MMOEXP:WoW Cataclysm Classic to RAF because now you get drums

PaleyShelie 回复:0 | 查看:247 | 发表于 2024-7-8 23:51:33 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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本帖最后由 PaleyShelie 于 2024-7-8 23:54 编辑
, p( j6 y' \. `5 b9 ~# T
( R3 V( i7 i3 ^0 rThere is only one other thing worth mentioning will ever work in and that would be drums. Drums changed a lot from to RAF because now you get drums at a wild and drums of Kings which basically are just lesser versions of WoW cataclysm Gold the buff, which you would ordinarily get from a druid or a paladin.6 {. w6 w/ P) \$ B& J% U

& }0 g0 e9 Z/ D7 x7 S9 qNow these will sell because people will quickly see the benefit of bringing these to a raid, particularly 10 Man raids where they may be missing one of these buffs don't expect massive gold from these it's just another little bit of gold potential from leatherworking it will be small profit, but you'll probably sell lots of them. Of course you can still make ammo pouches, quivers, and even mining bags but honestly I don't see any of these making regular amounts of gold like your leg armor items.  M& J7 t/ s0 t, h! n5 h

* N5 O! {  \. ~; a( FWell your crafting probably doesn't require too much explanation you'll be prospecting saronite or and just making the gems that are in most demand. I'm struggling to tell you much more rarely, you will be able to make rings a next both blues and epics which people will definitely buy for alts or as easy upgrades for their mains.
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Because actually things like titanium impact band, for example is not actually too bad. Lots of recipes either drop from specific bosses in heroics can be bought for your Jewelcrafting tokens obtained from doing your daily quests or obtaining damaged necklaces, which is an item that starts a quest that can be bought or sold on the Auction House and get you extra tokens to be able to get recipes and there's even some recipes that come from specific mobs in the open world. 5 o' b$ w" F* t8 d3 y

) F9 B- [* {# D) T5 C' jIf flying around mining isn't your thing then just buying saronite or from the auction house prospect in it and pray into orange Jesus or scarlet rubies so you can pump out those big primary stat gems that might be your thing. I personally loved your craft and for exactly the This remember this as well using the green gems to craft specific rings and then be able to have them deviate from an enchanter or even your own enchant or to get some extra enchanting mats is always a good way lining your pockets.
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; g8 o/ J7 Q' W+ rIf you aren't your craft in checking out the saronite shuffle video in the description that I've already mentioned would definitely be something I'd recommend inscription is without a doubt going to be a profession that will be making massive gold at launch and continue to make decent gold throughout. There are so many different ways to make gold outside of the obvious, which is just glyphs.
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+ A1 E3 P1 A4 g+ p. AEverybody who plays will not only be using 12 glyphs, because they're six for cheap Cataclysm Classic Gold each spec across two specs. Assuming you've got your spec, but people will change the glyphs they use situationally meaning glyphs will be bought and sold all the time throughout WoW Cataclysm Classic during your inscription research and getting hold of book of glyph Master is to try and get those big glyphs early on, that not many people on your server can craft yet will mean you get a very big spike in gold early if you're lucky.
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