
[吹水聊天] 中国2024年新年放假通知 China 2024 New Year holiday notice

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$ F( _) A1 Q& S* Y, H! N
  y3 e& w; u7 E3 ^+ S1 u中国2024年新年放假通知. w, k1 l! Z! j  d- N2 f4 v
China 2024 New Year holiday notice# |9 H7 l( \: @( y; B! l" I( u% W
我司顺势达国际物流放假通知:& g! @# f7 H& C5 k
Our company Shunshida International logistics holiday notice:
4 W, U5 _9 W3 o( F) X: W- Q% }) `发货截止时间:2月4号(周日)-2月17号(周六)9 ?3 W( w5 T5 U7 m; A# T
Delivery deadline: February 4th (Sunday) - February 17th (Saturday)" U" N7 S+ d" l, y3 L2 A
收件休息时间:2月7号(周三)-2月17号(周六). A2 Q- k& J$ [3 _
Receipt stop time:February 7th (Wednesday) - February 17th (Saturday), Z$ K" G% Q1 b! X# y
7 o5 M, Y$ @+ B" r: Z% I8 u0 zThe date of starting work; February 18 (Sunday)3 @: u2 }+ ^# f
感谢各位老板支持与关照,恭祝各位老板龙年行大运,在新的一年里,愿你们龙腾虎跃,万事如意,财源广进,身体康健!Thank you for the support and care of all the bosses, I wish all the bosses luck in the year of the dragon, in the New Year, I wish you the dragon Tenghuyue, all the best, financial resources, good health!) J- Z+ u# N9 g% m
shunshida international logistics co.LTD  
9 }9 v- Z' b) ?2 WZhi-sheng zhang(Lisen)  
6 C! K1 S0 n; B7 f" N* ncell:+86 13430931832  
4 l% r' b& u7 A$ GEmail: [email protected]  
3 d( M7 b7 o# ]5 l' VWechat:13430931832  
- |9 ?9 W& `! UQQ: 2015474718  
- F2 s4 g) ?3 |address:(Shunshida 1-7) Longgui Garden No. 1 Yongsheng Road, Taihe Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
- [4 k7 d- V; [, u2 ^+ n* ]; _: o


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发表于 2024-1-15 01:35:36
我司顺势达国际提供:1 M5 q5 H  f9 C7 T+ {
$ c7 i; F: ?5 W4 w/ e联系人:张志升5 i' z. A3 B, @2 w
发表于 2024-1-16 10:07:15
Delivery range:
- P+ O4 h+ z- C; Y6 l+ tNew England contains the states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Major cities: Boston, New Haven, Providence, Manchester, Augustine. - |; l4 n8 `& c/ a
  g, |, K0 I) @- s
(middle) The Atlantic region contains the states: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D.C.  Major cities: Philadelphia, New York City, Pittsburgh, Richmond, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Charleston, Buffalo, Virginia Beach.  
  a) n* h% B  n) \7 p& f5 a
% f/ l+ D6 M- J- a2 |6 l$ D! aThe southeast contains the states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.  Major cities: Charlotte, Atlanta, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Miami, Orlando.  
! t4 v$ p% C4 V0 Y2 M
# u: p! j2 D! Y6 {$ k% hThe upper Mississippi Valley region (the Great Lakes) contains the states: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin.  Major cities: Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Milwaukee, Grand Rapids.    y2 M$ p4 O# W( z

9 C4 h2 X  l0 oSouthern states: Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana.  " s8 t! z6 h- M3 `; e8 D8 g& B
Cities: Little Rock, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans.  
; Q! z( l  h) Q9 Y7 f  w* d1 ^. M8 J
" }0 E& b9 j- U2 ]* s+ ]* KMidwest (Great Plains) : Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota.  : O/ m  C+ |0 l3 T. p5 ?
Cities: Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Lincoln, Bismarck.  % S$ |% ]) i* w8 Q9 U1 F

5 s+ ]3 k$ I4 f$ d% U: yRocky Mountains: Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah.  2 |/ t# H: A- d# B( ~
Cities: Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Reno, Denver.  
) j4 E- Y7 ]% p
8 X& v+ o9 g. l" e6 pPacific Coast: Washington, Oregon, California.  
0 J, r: t& i) B: p7 {( o* L6 I* s+ ICities: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego.  ( z; ]9 Y4 [$ }# R% Y+ C3 J+ H* n# C

  w& z# k4 {/ _: {' J0 LSouthwest: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas.  
6 P1 A+ s: o- _$ n, gCities: Phoenix, Santa Fe, Dallas, Houston.  
" O! T# w) `6 _/ [
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