
[吹水聊天] P2Pah Dark And Darker: Player is able to move faster

HeulwenLucas 回复:0 | 查看:666 | 发表于 2024-1-4 12:21:24 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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Normally in games like this, the stats players should pay attention to Dark And Darker Gold are all pretty obvious. Usually, it's stuff like strength, intelligence, constitution, and sometimes even charisma. But, in Dark and Darker, there's a stat called 'interaction speed' that is of vital importance. This stat (which is influenced by the Agility stat) determines how fast a player interacts, activates, or loots anything in Dark and Darker. This includes:5 A6 O! J* N4 `& Y! Z
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And that's not even everything this stat affects. So, knowing which classes have more interaction speed by default or even just knowing that items can have buffs that affect interaction speed is vital knowledge for beginners. In general, from slowest to fastest, the class rankings for interaction speed are:8 o  [& h6 b1 m' y* y7 x
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Another stat of incredible importance in Dark and Darker is Movement Speed. While this may not seem like something to put over raw damage, it truly does make a huge difference. This game's combat is, while fun, very awkward, and players don't have a lot of evasive or defensive options. Because of this, once an enemy gets close, it usually just turns into wild swinging/casting to see who dies first.( q- m" A+ O; e8 b/ F% R7 L! `
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If a player is able to move faster than their opponent, they choose when the actual fight happens. And, on classes with range, this is absurdly powerful. So, beginners should keep an eye out for any Perks, Skills, or items that buff or debuff movement speed at all times. And, if they're playing a class that moves pretty slowly, such as a Cleric or Barbarian, remember that the X button (by default), holsters their weapons and increases their movement speed while they're holstered.
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