
[吹水聊天] Mighty Spirit Summons, buy Elden Ring Runes on IGGM.

jacksoner 回复:0 | 查看:890 | 发表于 2023-5-26 17:11:45 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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本帖最后由 jacksoner 于 2023-5-28 23:30 编辑 * F' p. o! i/ n) f: V2 {& q4 O

+ y6 d; X/ l0 e8 K/ v0 ?! i$ ]FromSoftware games are very difficult, so it is not surprising that Elden Ring is difficult. So some players are forced to use Spirit Summons to pass the level. These unique abilities are also called Spirit Ashes. He is powerful because you can make Tarnished Summon a ghost partner to help you fight, so as to quickly clear the Elden Ring. But there are 64 types of Ashes. So it is very difficult for us to choose. Next, I can recommend a powerful Ashes for you - Nightmaiden And Swordstress. I I found it on IGGM, which also sells Elden Ring Runes, which is very convenient.
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Nightmaiden and Swordstress can be said to be very inconsistent in terms of defense bonuses, but it can still defend against most of the different types of physical damage. Nightmaiden and Swordstress can deal ranged damage as well as melee damage, and their attacks can spread enemies. Otherwise it will be overwhelmed and you may all be killed. So it is very suitable for tanky melee players, you can let the duo weaken and spread the enemy before giving the enemy a critical blow.6 Z3 E/ Y8 [: x- e6 s8 F

6 G! f0 R1 j- X' NAfter knowing this, I quickly cleared the Elden Ring. You should also go to IGGM to get the strategy. These are very useful insights from the great gods, and there are also cheap Elden Ring Items on sale. These can help you change quickly, now you can still use the code “CSCCA” to get 5% off, very favorable.
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