
[全职] 香港中文大学(深圳)2020年高层次人才招聘启事

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香港中文大学(深圳)作为省市博士后创新实践基地,目前主要依托中国科技大学等高校,采用双导师制联合招收博士后。香港中文大学(深圳)现面向海内外诚聘博士后(全年招聘,额满为止)。 一、申请条件与要求
3、全职从事博士后研究工作。 4、在站时间一般为两年。可提前出站,但进站时间不能少于21个月。若在聘期结束前出站,视为聘期提
二、博士后待遇与工作条件         1、与香港中文大学(深圳)签订合同,享受五险一金等福利;         2、申请享受深圳市及龙岗区博士后生活补助(税后30万元/年,不超过2年);境外知名高校(世界排
名前200名)博士毕业未满两年且年龄在35岁以下者,可同时申请广东省博士后人才引进项目(具体资助额度以广东省主管部门文件为准);         3、合作导师提供一定生活补助(具体金额以合同为准),并支持符合条件者申请各级人才计划,并享受
相关待遇;         4、可申请中国博士后科学基金以及国家省市各级科技项目;         5、期满出站后可申请留校(深)工作并申请深圳市及龙岗区博士后留深工作的科研补助(20万元/年,资
部门文件为准)。         6、可落户深圳市,其配偶及未成年子女可办理随迁入户。 三、各学院/研究院博士后岗位招聘信息,请扫描二维码至官网详细了解。 四、联系方式         通讯地址:深圳市龙岗区龙翔大道2001号香港中文大学(深圳)行政楼W406         邮政编码:518172                                                                                                 Email:postdoctor@cuhk.edu.cn,wadrrsb@126.com          博士后咨询QQ群:569424142                                                                          

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
2020 Postdoctoral Fellowship Recruitment

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as CUHK-SZ) is established in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval of the Ministry of Education. It inherits the educational philosophy and academic systems of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is intended to evolve into a world class research university with strong Chinese cultural influence. It is committed to nurturing high end talent with global perspective, Chinese tradition and social responsibility.

CUHK-SZ has established schools includes School of Management & Economics, School of Science & Engineering, School of Humanities and Social Science, School of Life and Health Sciences, and research platforms includes Institute of Data & Decision Analytics, Institute of Robotics & Intelligent Manufacturing, The Future Network of Intelligence Institute, Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, Shenzhen Research Institute of Artificial Intelligent and Robot, Nobel Laureate Labs, and key Labs.

CUHK-SZ has more than 350 world-class talents, including 7 Laureates of Nobel/Turing/Fields prize, 16 domestic and overseas academicians, and more than 30 national talents.

As a provincial and municipal postdoctoral innovative practice base, using double-advisor pattern, the postdoc recruitment process of CUHK-SZ mainly relies on the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). CUHK-SZ is now seeking for postdoctoral candidates from all around the world.

1.        Requirements
1)        Excellent in character and learning, passionate about education and scientific research, healthy, under the age of 35.
2)        Doctoral degree certificate for a period of less than 3 years (degree certification by Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China is required for overseas degree).
3)        Full-time
4)        The postdoc period is generally two years (24 months). You can apply for outbound in advance within three months.
5)        Employment separation certificate is required for directional doctor, on-the-job personnel and serviceman to engage in postdoctoral research.

2.        Salary & Benefits
1)        Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
2)        Guaranteed postdoc fellowship bonus from Shenzhen Municipal government and Longgang District government with an amount of  300,000 RMB per year(tax free) for two years.
3)        Qualified candidates will be encouraged to apply the followed funding support.(Please be subject to the government official latest version)
• China Postdoctoral Science Fund (First Prize Awardee with 120,000RMB, Second Prize Awardee with 80,000RMB)
• National Science Foundation of China.
• Guangdong Postdoctoral Fellowship
• Shenzhen and Longgang Talent Program (Type C): The Awardee with bonus of 2.4 million for 5 years (tax free)
• Post-doctors, their spouses, and children are allowed to register residence in Shenzhen.  
3.        Please scan the QR code below and refer to the official website for further recruitment information of postdoctoral positions of each school/ institute.
4.        Contact Information
Address: W406, administration building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen),
2001 Longxiang avenue, Longgang district, Shenzhen, China,518172
Email: postdoctor@cuhk.edu.cn,wadrrsb@126.com
CUHK-SZ Postdoctoral Consulting QQ group: 569424142









The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Invites Applications through the National Talents Program

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“University”) is established in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval of the Ministry of Education. It inherits the educational philosophy and academic systems of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is intended to evolve into a world class research university with strong Chinese cultural influence. It is committed to nurturing high-end talent with global perspective, Chinese tradition and social responsibility.
At present, the University has four schools, namely the School of Science and Engineering, the School of Management and Economics, the School of Humanities and Social Science, and the School of Life and Health Sciences. The University will have over 6200 undergraduate students and postgraduate students. The University has set up the State Joint Engineering Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing, three Nobel Laureate Labs one Turing Award Laureate Lab, the Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data and the Shenzhen Finance Institute, etc..
The application for the National Talents Programs for 2020 will start soon. We warmly welcome top talents worldwide who are eligible for the National Talents Programs to join CUHK, Shenzhen!

1. Post Specification
We wish to recruit top talents worldwide in the following disciplines: management science and engineering, finance, economics, information systems, accounting, marketing, mathematics and applied mathematics, statistics, operations research, data science and engineering, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, information science and engineering, computer science and technology, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, control engineering, industrial and manufacturing engineering, physics, chemistry and organic chemistry, energy science and engineering, material science and engineering, Financial engineering, and quantitative finance, biomedical engineering, biomedical Sciences, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical, life science, cell biology and molecular biology, synthetic chemistry, computational chemistry, precision and regenerative medicine, psychology, linguistics, global studies etc.
Applications with interdisciplinary research experience are highly expected.

2. Position Specifications
The talents are to be hired under all major National Talents Programs. The specifications and qualifications are detailed as below:
Program 1: National Talent Program (Full Time)
Applicants should (1) have obtained a doctorate degree from a world renowned university; (2) Full professor or equivalent in a prestigious university or R&D institute; and/or senior technical or managerial professional in a company or financial institution outside Mainland China; (3) willing to work full time at CUHK, Shenzhen; (4) Not over 55 years old at time of application, If applicant is of non-Chinese ethnicity, he/she should be not over 65 years old at time of application
Program 2: National Young Talent Program
Applicants should (1) Not over 40 years old at time of application; (2) have obtained a doctorate degree and have no less than three years continuously research experience outside China (Exceptions will be given to applicants with extraordinary research achievement),. (3) Be able to work full time at CUHK, Shenzhen.
Program 3: Distinguished Professor Program
Applicants should (1) obtained a doctorate degree; (2) not over 45 years old in natural science and engineering, not over 55 years old in social sciences; (3) full professor or equivalent in a university or R&D institute; (4) willing to work full time at CUHK, Shenzhen.
Program 4: Young Professor Program
Applicants should (1) obtained a doctorate degree; (2) not over 38 years old in natural science and engineering, not over 45 years old in social sciences; (3) associate professor or equivalent in a university or R&D institute; (4) willing to work full time at CUHK, Shenzhen.

3. Benefits
CUHK, Shenzhen will provide successful applications with a competitive salary package commensurate to his/her experience and comparable to the corresponding teaching staff salary levels in CUHK. CUHK, Shenzhen will contribute to the successful applicant’s social security program including pension, health insurance as well as insurance for work related injuries in accordance with the prevailing labor laws applicable in mainland China.
Shenzhen Longgang District Government will help arrange the children of each successful applicant to be admitted in high quality public preschools, primary schools, secondary schools or high schools in Longgang District. The Shenzhen Longgang District Government will provide each successful applicant a rent-free apartment (about 120 square meters in size) for up to 10 years. CUHK, Shenzhen will provide successful applications with spacious offices, well-equipped laboratories, and sufficient research start-up fund based on the research specifications. The University will provide full support for the successful applications to build up their research groups and nominate them for various provincial/municipal talent programs such as Guangdong Provincial Innovation Teams and Leading Talents Plan, Shenzhen Municipal Peacock Program, Shenzhen Longgang Dragon Plan and etc..
Additional startup funds and signing bonus will be offered to the successful applicants by various sources as detailed below:  
1) Program 1: National Talents Program (Full Time):
(1) Signing bonus of 1 million RMB offered by the Central Government; (2) Startup fund of 1 million RMB and signing bonus of 0.5 million offered by the Guangdong Provincial Government; (3) Signing bonus of 3 million RMB offered by the Shenzhen Municipal Government (refer to the Shenzhen “Peacock program A”); (4) Signing bonus of 1.5 million RMB offered by the Shenzhen Longgang District Government.  If the recipient is of non-Chinese ethnicity, he/she receives an additional Research Startup fund of 3 to 5 Million RMB from National agency.
2) Program 2: National Young Talents Program
(1) Signing bonus of 0.5 million RMB and startup fund of RMB 1 to 3 million offered by the Central Government; (2) Startup fund of 0.5 million RMB and signing bonus of 0.25 million offered by the Guangdong Provincial Government; (3) Signing bonus of 2 million RMB granted by the Shenzhen Municipal Government (refer to the Shenzhen “Peacock Program B”); (4) Signing bonus of 1 million RMB granted by the Shenzhen Longgang District Government.
3) Program 3: Distinguished Professor Program
(1) Signing bonus of 0.2 million RMB offered by the Central Government; (2) Signing bonus of 3 million RMB offered by the Shenzhen Municipal Government (refer to the Shenzhen “Peacock program A”); (3) Signing bonus of 1.5 million RMB offered by the Shenzhen Longgang District Government.
4) Program 4: Young Professor Program
(1) Signing bonus of 0.3 million RMB for 3 years. (2) Other bonus granted by Shenzhen and Longgang District Government.

4. Application Procedure
We warmly welcome top talents worldwide to join CUHK, Shenzhen. Please refer to our website of www.cuhk.edu.cn and send cover letter, full curriculum vitae and other related materials by email to talents@cuhk.edu.cn,wadrrsb@126.com. We will contact you ASAP.
All applicants shall submit application form and supporting materials. The supporting documents includes the following materials (copies in the format of PDF):
a) Doctorate degree certificate;
b) Passport/ID;
c) Contract or Letter of Intent with CUHK, Shenzhen;
d) Supporting documents for overseas working experience (contract/letter of appointment/screenshot on web, etc.);
e) Any supporting materials or scanned copies of papers, patterns, product certificates;
f) Supporting documents for main projects led or participated in (copies of project contract, reference letter from sponsors, etc.);
g) Certificate of awards;

Applicants for National Young Talent Program shall submit the following materials additionally:
a) Three reference letters from supervisors, colleagues or employers outside of Mainland China;
b) Citation report of your papers and other publications (provided by an authorized organization);

The pending date for submission deadline will be around July, 2020 (the final deadline will be subject to the official announcement).


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