
new students welcome letter

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欢迎来到秀丽怡人的西雅图,欢迎来到充满活力的华盛顿大学,欢迎加入华盛顿大 学中国学生学者联谊会的大家庭。

华大中国学生学者联谊会(UWCSSA)秉承为华大中国学生学者提供服务与帮助、弘扬中华文化的宗旨,致力于帮助华大中国学生学者适应美国学习生活环境,丰富课余生活,增进华大中国学生学者与西雅图地区学术、文化、职业团体的沟通。 UWCSSA通过定期举办活动和发布信息为华大中国学生学者提供服务,例如新生会、春节联欢晚会、学术讲座、职业发展讲座、体育赛事、摄影展览、中国传统节日庆 祝等。

在这里,您可以找到由历届华大学生精心整理的新生指南,为初到西雅图的新生和 访问学者顺利融入在华大的学习生活提供了大量必备信息。(http://uwcssa.org/dl_files/NewStudentsGuide.pdf

在此,我们诚挚地邀请您参加10月2日晚由UWCSSA组织的新生会。每学年开学之初的新生会为新到来的学生和访问学者结识更多朋友、更多地了解在华大的学习生活提供了一个生动的平台。在新生会之后,我们还会举办一系列讲座,帮助大家更好 地适应在美新生活。

最后,请订阅我们的邮件周报,方便您及时收到每次活动的通知。( http://uwcssa.org/



Dear incoming students and visiting scholars,


I’m writing on behalf of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association at University of Washington to extend our warmest welcome to you. Congratulations!

Chinese Students and Scholars Association at University of Washington (UWCSSA) is a non-profit student-run organization registered at University of Washington. Founded in 1984 by Chinese students and scholars at UW, UWCSSA is one of the biggest Chinese organizations in the greater Seattle area with over 2000 members.

UWCSSA is dedicated to helping Chinese UW students make a smooth transition to American life and to create a dynamic community setting. We are also committed to helping strengthening bonds among UW Chinese community, business, industry and other professional organizations in the Great Seattle area. Finally, UWCSSA is dedicated to keeping the Chinese heritage live, enhancing culture exchange and promoting cultural diversity on campus.

UWCSSA fulfills its mission through sponsoring and organizing social events and providing information service, including the annual Spring Festival Celebration, New Students Welcome Party, career development speeches, talent show, sports activities, weekly newsletter, the New Student Guide, and so on.

Due to the huge number of new students and scholars arriving every autumn, UWCSSA apologizes for deciding not to organize airport pick-up. If you need airport pick-up, please visit our website and post your request at the forum so that others interested in helping could offer to help.

While preparing for your new life at UW, you will find the New Student Guide compiled by CSSA officers highly useful. The brochure covers almost every aspect of students’ life at UW. To download, please click here: http://uwcssa.org/dl_files/NewStudentsGuide.pdf

We would also like to invite you to the New Student Welcome Party on Oct. 2nd night. The annual New Student Welcome Party is a wonderful place for new students and visiting scholars to get to know each other and to better acquaint yourself with life at UW. You should never miss it!

Finally, please sign up for our weekly newsletter to get the up-to-date activities announcement. To join, please click here: http://uwcssa.org/

Wish you all the best!

Chinese Students and Scholars Association at University of Washington
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