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1. 职位相关技能 每个人都希望成为一名诚实、正直的求职者,但这不是以失去面试机会为代价。避开职位必须技能,记得选择一个不会影响这份工作的真实缺点。例如,作为一名软件开发人员,当你在大型会议上发言时,你可能会有些害羞。这个弱点对工作所需的核心技能几乎没有影响。这个真实的弱点也会让你与他人产生共鸣。当然,最后记得表达自己目前正努力提升公共演讲能力。
2. 将优点伪装成缺点 许多求职者试图通过将优点伪装成缺点来回避这个问题。他们可能会给出这样的答案,“我有时太乐于助人了”,或者“我可能过于追求完美了”。很不幸,这些答案愚弄不到任何人。面试官看穿了这个方法,求职者立刻失去了可信度。每个人都有弱点,不要试图回避问题,可以讨论一个不会影响自己工作能力的弱点。
3. 假装自己很完美 在所有求职者可能犯的错误中,这大概是最严重的几项之一了,“我真的没有任何弱点”,“我现在想不出任何弱点”。没能提供一个经过深思熟虑的缺点是个不好的信号。对于面试官来说,这表明求职者缺乏自我意识。尽管还处在面试阶段,面试官也会从长远考虑:这个人是否适合这份工作?这个人真的会留在公司吗?
经验方面 对于刚刚毕业进入工作领域的学生来说,经验方面不足是很正常的,但是在表达这个缺点的同时,也要表达出自己积极学习的一面。找到自己的不足之处,并采取相应措施去弥补改进。向面试官证明你是一个有自我意识的人,你在寻求成长和提高。
例子: I would say my biggest weakness is that I’m a recent graduate and don’t have a lot of work experience, but I’m a fast-learner and am highly adaptable. I’m up-to-speed with the latest programming trends and have a fresh perspective. I know I have enthusiasm for the work, and I will bring my strong work ethic and commitment every day.
硬技能 求职者可以将某项硬技能说成自己的弱点。硬技能指的是通过学校或其他形式培训发展起来的特定于工作的能力,这非常容易量化。
例子: When I look at my skill set as a whole, one weakness right now would be Java Programming. It’s just not something that I’ve been asked to do since school so I understand the fundamentals but I’m pretty rusty in terms of working hands-on with it. I was planning on brushing up in the next few months to broaden my skill set, though. I think it’d help me be more well-rounded and would filter down into other areas that I use more often in my work. 虽然不是很熟悉,但正在努力学习。只要面试的工作不需要天天使用Java,这就是个很好的答案。
例子: Because I am independent and enjoy working quickly, it has been difficult for me to ask for help when I need it. I have learned that it is much more beneficial both for me and the business to reach out when I do not understand something or feel burned out with my workload. I also understand that there are many experts around me that have specific knowledge and skills that can make my work better. While I am still working on it, I have been able to produce more high-quality work as a result of getting help from those around me. 当在某一领域缺乏专业知识、或感到精疲力尽时,寻求帮助是项必要的技能。知道何时以及如何寻求帮助可以显示出强烈的自我意识,并帮助公司克服可能出现的低效。拥有强烈的职业道德和独立能力是积极的品质,但对企业来说,知道何时寻求帮助会更好。描述自己的弱点,解释原因,以及展现自己是如何努力提高这项技能的。
人际交往能力 可以提到一个与自己人际交往能力有关的弱点。选择一个你正在努力解决的具体问题,当然,要确保不会给人留下无法与同事进行良好合作的负面印象。
例子: I’ve heard that more people are scared of public speaking than death. Well, I wouldn’t say my fear is that extreme, but I definitely find it challenging to present my ideas in front of a crowd. As you can imagine, this has proven to be a career obstacle. I recently joined the local Toastmasters club. We meet every Friday night, and it’s actually become one of the things I look forward to each week! In addition, I regularly volunteer to speak at team meetings. Even though they’re small, they’re definitely helping me feel more comfortable sharing my ideas. All of this experience has made it far easier to explain to a room that, say, we need to invest in big data software. 略微害羞,不太擅长公共演讲并不影响软件工程师的核心工作,在描述缺点的同时,展现了积极弥补的学习态度,这是份很好的答案。
工作习惯 “我的缺点是工作太努力”,这明显不是个谦逊的答案,会给人留下不真诚的印象。不过,你可以换个角度表达自己是如何在工作中过量地做某些事情的。
例子: I need to get much better at knowing the difference between working hard and working productively. It’s easy for me to fall into the trap of thinking that long hours in the office mean I’m getting a lot done. But unsurprisingly, I actually do my best work when I’m not super tired or stressed. I’m making a huge effort to work smarter, not longer. I’ve begun responding to emails in batches so I don’t waste hours every day sorting through my inbox. I write down five goals every morning so that I’m focused on the priorities. I try to take my meetings outside so that I get some fresh air and exercise while we talk. These productivity changes have helped me compress the amount of work I accomplish into fewer hours—which also means I can produce higher-quality work. 这是“我是个工作狂”的优秀进阶版,一个很妥帖的答案,努力工作很好,高效工作更棒。
例子: My greatest weakness is that I sometimes focus too much on the details of a project and spend too much time analyzing the finer points. I’ve been striving to improve in this area by checking in with myself at regular intervals and giving myself a chance to re-focusing on the bigger picture. That way I can still ensure quality without getting so caught up in the details that it affects my productivity or the team’s ability to meet the deadline. “注重细节”通常是一件好事,但如果你是一个倾向于在项目细节上花费太多时间的人,这也可能被认为是一个弱点。通过“注重细节”,向面试官展示你有能力帮助公司避免那些哪怕是很小的错误。最后记得解释自己是如何在工作效率方面取得进步的。
例子: I tend to get caught up in the little details, which can distract me from the ultimate goal. When I was a junior web designer at Harold’s Hats, I was asked to revamp our size guide and make it more fun and visually interesting. Unfortunately, I became so fixated on finding the perfect font that I missed the deadline. These days, I break each project down into mini-tasks, each with their own deadline. If I spend too long on an individual thing, I set it aside and move on to the next one. Usually, by the time I come back to the imperfect piece, I can be more objective about whether or not it needs more work. 注重细节很好,提高工作效率,避免错过最后期限更好。
总结: 新工作意味着新开始,新机遇。这也许就是为什么我们不喜欢在第一次面试时谈论自己缺点的原因,我们害怕将过去的错误带到未来的旅程中。
