
new student airport pick up 9_8_2010 Seattle

sf_georgez 回复:7 | 查看:3495 | 发表于 2010-8-26 15:36:00 |阅读模式   |复制链接




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Hi, My friend's daughter is coming to Seattle next month on 9/8/10, Can some one mandarin-speaking pick her up at the Seattle airport and show her around? She will pay you gas, parking, time-off (if any), and a reasonable fee for helping her settle down. She may also need to purchase some furniture for her room but that can be after settle down. Please contact me if you can help. Thanks in advance.

Jianming Zhou 415.786.9079.
发表于 2010-8-28 10:31:00
发表于 2010-8-28 10:31:21
发表于 2010-8-28 12:46:20
Hi, Zhaow,
Thanks for the reply, I don't know her airline and flight no. yet. let me ask her and get back to you. Thanks. Jianming
发表于 2010-8-28 19:19:50
Hi, Zhaow, Her name is Song Yang, 宋旸, flight no. is HU495. 海南航空HU495航班北京至西雅图, It will arrive in Seattle at 12:05 pm, Sept 8th. She has 3 large suitcases and 1 small suitcase, her apartment is in U Village, Apt 733 2310 NE 48TH ST, SEATTLE, WA 98195, if you can give her a ride, could you please confirm to her at  "yyyoungsong@gmail.com" through email and CC me, zjm215@yahoo.com?  Thanks very much.
发表于 2010-8-29 08:53:18
回复 5# sf_georgez

我可以去接机,不过我周五(10号)有一个重要的会,所以要到周末才有时间帮她settle down,所以周三只能简单带她办一些手续比如手机银行卡之类的。这样可以么?
发表于 2010-8-29 10:00:02
回复 6# zhaow

Thanks a lot for your offer, Song yang thought since you already picking up someone, there might be too many luggage to fit in your car, to lessen your burden, she'll just ask Jack2909 (jack zhang) since he offer the pick up service.
Thanks again. Jianming
发表于 2010-8-29 13:22:21
回复 7# sf_georgez

That would be good. No problem.
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