
[长租] Great room for rent right next to Northgate Mall

wallpaperflower 回复:0 | 查看:1737 | 发表于 2018-11-23 21:17:19 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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本帖最后由 wallpaperflower 于 2018-11-23 21:24 编辑

我是华盛顿大学的博士毕业生,我现在寻找室友住在我家里。房子紧邻Northgate Mall,交通非常方便!以下是详细介绍,欢迎联络,填写此表。多谢了[size=14.6667px]https://goo.gl/forms/Rh4sltM2eTBwqd3e2

Located right next to the Northgate Mall and Transit Center (105th St NE & 9th AveNE), this house is the perfect home for work and study at the University of Washington, North Seattle College and downtown. We are young professionals andstudents that are career-oriented, responsible, friendly, quiet and clean. We strive to build a family and community that are supportive and inclusive while respect privacy!

PERFECT LOCATION: close to everywhere! Walking distance to major bus lines, shopping,restaurants, gym, movies, library (Macy's, Best Buy, 24 Hour Fitness, Regal Thornton Movie Theater, QFC, etc.)

  • Northgate Mall and Transit Center: only 10 min walk!
  • UW/UW light rail station: direct bus 67
  • Downtown: direct express bus 41
  • North Seattle College: 10 min bike

ROOM:The newly painted and cleaned room has a large window, wooden floor and a big closet. The room has private bathroom. Open kitchen (new appliance), livingroom, recreation room, dining area, washer/dryer (coin-free). Plenty off street parking in front of the house.

Only $780 each month plus $88 utilities
The lease starts as early as Dec 15th, 2018. Preferred 6+ month lease. No smoke, no pets, no drugs.

Click the following link to a Google Form to connect (thanks in advance for yourtime)! We will reach out to schedule a time to view the house.

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