
[长短均可] 再次替房东老奶奶招租,家具设施俱全,绝对的拎包入住。

yyhhp2004 回复:5 | 查看:2410 | 发表于 2018-9-16 23:40:17 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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下面是老奶奶自己对房子的介绍,可以联系他的Email: deniselishner@comcast.net
I have a very beautiful and charming home to share in Montlake (98112) very close to the UW, buses 43 and 48 (5 minutes to the UW) and an exquisite park, the Arboretum. It has 3 bedrooms (with queen beds), my study, 2 baths, a fully equipped kitchen, a large living room and dining room with french doors leading to a patio, many windows, a lush garden, art and antiquities, oriental carpets, and a w/d.

The house is very clean, quiet, private and friendly. I am looking for people who want a very comfortable home and are neat, respectful and considerate of others so we can live harmoniously.The upstairs bedroom is available Nov 1 and has French doors leading to a private sundeck, a desk, chairs, queen bed and oriental rug.The very large daylight basement suite is available January 1 and has an alcove with a queen bed and a living room/study area with a large desk, extra bed, comfortable chairs, glass coffee table, bureaus, white carpets and three small windows.

I am a retired UW School of Medicine published health researcher, and I have 2 11 year old dogs who live here about three days a week. I am very active taking UW classes (film, literature, history, Russian Jewish literature and memoir etc) and lecture series, film club, book club, concerts and keeping up with history and politics. For the past five years I have had visiting Chinese professors and the Chinese food has made me very spoiled!

The rent is $900 a month including internet, all utilities and twice monthly housekeeping. I would prefer a 6-24 month lease but am flexible.

Please contact me and let me know a little about yourself and what you are looking for if this sounds interesting to you. I can send photos upon request.

发表于 2018-9-16 23:44:11
发表于 2018-9-16 23:45:17
房子地址在east galer 和 26th avenue 交叉点附近,离学校很近,走路大概15分钟,坐公交车大概7-8分钟,2015年的时候有43和48两趟公交车,到east galer站下就到了,交通挺方便的。现在房东老奶奶有两间房子出租,一间是楼上的房子,大概15平米,有壁柜、桌子、床、包括床单被罩等等,一应俱全,外面带个阳台、风景很好。另外一间是楼下的basement,很大,她现在把它设计成了一个卧室和一个小客厅的样子,光线也很不错,家具都很齐全。房租包括全部的Wi-Fi、打扫清理、水电费用。有问题可以直接eamil房东,也可以问我。
发表于 2018-9-16 23:45:57
发表于 2018-9-18 22:41:58
发表于 2018-9-25 04:43:10
房子地址在east galer 和 26th avenue 交叉点附近,交通很便利。
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