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Hello all,
本人已租到一套公寓,2B2B, 1250sf, 带阳台,洗衣机和烘干机in unit,厨房配套齐全。社区安静安全,去学校非常方便,步行3分钟到车站,13分钟372直接到学校,自带停车库,门口也有停车位。本人有只法斗,安静不扰人。现招女性室友一名,希望作息规律,生活整洁,可以共同保持公共区域的卫生。希望9月15号或者之前起租,明年7月31号到期,租金$1000每月, utlities 平摊。此价格是同等公寓中最优价格(我也是努力寻找了好几个月 )如续租和房东联系。样图请参加附件,本人手机联系方式: 五八五-754-0463。微信号请加: archerwu16
I am looking for a female roommate to share a 2B2B apartment near Ravenna neighborhood, which is under walking distance and 13 mins direct bus ride. Washer and dryer are included in the unit, extra balcony, full kitchen appliances. Rent is 1000/month + Utilities, this is the best price I can find under similar conditions. Please note that I have a small breed dog (french bulldog) who is well trained, quiet and clean.