

helloworld2017 回复:2 | 查看:5171 | 发表于 2018-5-11 12:56:37 |阅读模式 |复制链接




帖子通过审核只代表内容不违规,CSSA 不会验证内容的真实性。请谨防诈骗。


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本帖最后由 helloworld2017 于 2018-5-16 20:09 编辑


现在已经发现号码包括 206-684-8723 和 425-452-6917,其中 425-452-6917 确实是警方号码。


Be careful if you receive a call from someone who claims to be from the U.S. government or the police and demands money. These calls are fake, and are from criminals.

The U.S. government and law enforcement agencies never demand money by phone. These types of calls are from professional thieves -- they use computer software to make their caller ID appear real, but they are not U.S. government workers. They want to scare you and steal your money!
  • Do not give anyone your credit card numbers, online transfer information, or other personal financial information!
  • Do not buy gift cards to pay someone calling or emailing you with threats!
Here is a typical version of the call:
1. The caller says he is an officer with a U.S. government or law enforcement agency. Typically they use one of these agencies' names, but there can be others!
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
  • Seattle Police Department (SPD)
  • University of Washington Police Department (UWPD)
  • Any Police Department

2. Next, the caller says you have a tax problem or legal problem. They often know your name and some personal information.They demand that you pay them immediately. They threaten jail, deportation, or other consequences if you do not pay. They lie and say you can't tell anyone about the call.

What to do if a scammer calls?
  • Ignore any request for money
  • Do not give personal information to an unknown person on the phone or social media
  • If you become a victim of this kind of crime on campus, file a non-emergency police report with UWPD: (206)685-8973
  • If you have further questions, call UWPD Community Outreach Unit at (206) 616-0873


美国政府和执法机构从不要求电话要钱。这些类型的电话来自专业窃贼 - 他们使用计算机软件使他们的来电显示真实,但他们不是美国政府工作人员。他们想吓唬你,偷走你的钱!
  • 不要给任何人您的信用卡号码,在线转账信息或其他个人财务信息!
  • 不要购买礼品卡付费给有人打电话或通过电子邮件向您发送威胁!

  • 国税局(IRS)
  • 联邦调查局(FBI)
  • 移民和海关执法局(ICE)
  • 西雅图警察局(SPD)
  • 华盛顿大学警察局(UWPD)
  • 任何警察局


  • 忽略任何金钱请求
  • 不要在电话或社交媒体上向陌生人提供个人信息


发表于 2018-5-16 19:05:43
本帖最后由 helloworld2017 于 2018-5-18 14:00 编辑

Hello First-year International Students,

We hope that you are having a successful spring quarter. There have been a few recent reports about students who have received a call (or voicemail) stating that the caller is from a Police Department (Bellevue, UWPD, Seattle, or other) and that there are warrants for their arrest. This is not a legitimate person. If you receive such a call, please hang up and call UWPD - (206) 543-0507.

Please understand the following:  

  • You will NEVER receive a phone call that tells you there is a warrant issued for your arrest.
  • NEVER provide payment information over the phone (even if the caller claims to be the police, an immigration official, or other authority).
  • Never, EVER agree to meet someone at a strange address (parking lot, grocery, etc.), especially someone who calls and demands cash payment.
  • If the caller demands payment over the phone, it is a scam.
  • If the caller asks for a gift card number, credit card, or a wire transfer, it is a scam.
  • Never provide your identification information (passport, visa, or other ID) over the phone.

You can read more information from our Chief Information Security Office and the International Student Services office to gain further education about the issue.  

Have a wonderful week!

The First Year Programs Team

我们希望你们有一个成功的春季学期。最近有一些关于学生接到电话(或语音信箱)的报告,声称来电者来自警察局(Bellevue,UWPD,Seattle或其他),并且有逮捕令。这不是一个合法的人。如果您收到此类电话,请挂断并致电UWPD - (206)543-0507。


  • 逮捕令永远不可能通过电话发出。
  • 切勿通过电话提供付款信息(即使呼叫者声称是警察,移民官员或其他权力机构)。
  • 永远不要同意在陌生地址(停车场,杂货店等)见人,特别是打电话要求付现金的人。
  • 如果来电者要求通过电话付款,这是一个骗局。
  • 如果来电者要求提供礼品卡号码,信用卡或电汇,这是一个骗局。
  • 切勿通过电话提供您的身份信息(护照,签证或其他身份证件)。




发表于 2018-5-18 12:59:03

Be careful if you receive a call from someone who claims to be from the U.S. government or the police and demands money. These calls are fake, and are from criminals. They want to scare you and steal your money!
  • Do not give payment information by phone to someone calling you with threats: credit card numbers, online account transfer information, or other personal financial information!
  • Do not buy gift cards to pay someone calling or emailing you with threats!
  • Do not give personal info to someone calling or emailing with threats: copies of your immigration documents, UW account info and password, social media info, etc.
  • Do not agree to meet an unknown caller at a strange address (parking lot, grocery store, etc.)
The U.S. government and law enforcement agencies never demand money by phone. These types of calls are from professional thieves -- they use computer software to make their caller ID appear real, but they are not real police officers or U.S. government workers. These are called "scams"--attempts to steal money by lying.
  • 不要通过电话将支付信息发送给有威胁地呼叫您的人:信用卡号码,在线账户转账信息或其他个人财务信息!
  • 不要购买礼品卡付费给有人打电话或通过电子邮件向您发送威胁!
  • 不要将个人信息提供给有威胁电话或发送电子邮件的人:您的移民文件副本,UW帐户信息和密码,社交媒体信息等。
  • 不要同意在陌生地址(停车场,杂货店等)见陌生的来电者。

美国政府和执法机构从不通过电话要钱。这些类型的电话来自专业窃贼 - 他们使用计算机软件使他们的来电显示真实,但他们不是真正的警察或美国政府工作人员。这些被称为“诈骗” - 试图通过撒谎来窃取金钱。

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