
YLP第二弹|关于未来的mentor,关于大学的business project, 你...

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YLP第二弹|关于未来的mentor,关于大学的business project, 你还可以期待什么?




"我参加过很多mentorship活动,这Young Leaders Program有什么不同的吗?”

“有关于这个的business project,到底会有什么项目呀?不会只是帮公司打下手吧?”




开创了前所未有的 Y  L  P  3 . 0




Bloodwork Business Project






YLP 2018






01 揭秘大佬真面孔


YLP Committee今年从华人商会以及各界有影响力的华人精英中邀请了10位热情且真诚的mentor,有成就型的企业家,也有奋斗型的deloitte和amazon青年等,他们也有不少关于美国梦,关于对行业对未来的故事期待着与你分享!



Principal, Chanden Inc.

Words to YLP:

The YLP is a good opportunity to learn, network, and gain real experience via internship and projects that would prepare the participants for the future. It also allow people to interact and contribute back to the Chinese community and beyond!

Life Motto:

利他而利己 benefits others in order to benefit yourself!


President -- Sino-US Corporate Services

Words to YLP:

The soft skills that the YLP program provide to young professionals are ones that you won't find in traditional education. The quality of the mentors rival that of many paid consultancy.

Life Motto:

Take your task seriously, complete them wholeheartedly, whether it is for your study, your volunteer work, your job, or your career. For you never know when someone might be impressed with your work, and open a new door for you


Managing Director - Mega Pacific Investments

founder and organizer --three independent banks in Washington State

Words to YLP:

YLP is not just an educational or school training program, it's a leadership and career development program that helps participants to better prepare the transition from educational environment to the business real world setting. I believe that there is no straight rules or scientific proof that people must be "older in life" in order to gather experiences and to develop into leadership role as "CEO". Proper group setting can provide the high level of leadership skill sets that bring out the quality of the individual.

Life Motto:

Be the best of yourself.  Your life belongs to you, so be responsible to it. But we are not alone in this world, your world can only be as big as your action, so take part to build a better world for all of us


Consultant - Strategy and Operations at Deloitte

Words to YLP:

“ Stay hungry, keep an open mind, and push yourself to have a point of view.”


Multicultural Engagement Director at Swedish Medical Center

02 Bloodwork Business Project

What is Bloodwork NorthWest:

Bloodwork NorthWest是美国西北部地区极其有影响力的医疗研究型非盈利企业,也是地区主要供血中心,服务于将近90多家医院。

“Saving lives through research, innovation, education and excellence in blood, medical and laboratory services in partnership with our community.”

What is the project about:

今年YLP项目和Bloodwork携手,邀请本地大学生参与Business Project共同解决关于亚洲血源不足的实际商业挑战。5组学员将在5个月时间内在mentors的帮助下完成项目管理到实施,并在最终以项目计划书形式呈现团队成果。

What are the benefits of the project:

- 亲身体验+展现自己的才华

- 更多和mentors相处的思维激荡

- 与同行伙伴的战友情

- 有可能获得的实习机会(5位)

- 真正用自己能力创造影响力

- (你可以脑洞出的无限可能~)

03 " How can I connect with my mentor?"

"我以前参加的mentorship program,到最后总会因为各种原因断了联系,就算在一起聊天也感觉只是尬聊。”

为了让今年mentees有更棒的体验,今年ylp加入了更多interaction环节,除了邀请热情且负责的mentor,在项目中也可以有更多相互沟通和了解~ 关于mentorship关系,mentor们是怎么想的呢?他们有什么纠结和期待?


What are the things student need to know before getting involve with mentor?

Patsy Bonincontri 2017 Mentor

One thing is that Mentee need to figure out is what kind of helps they want from their mentor in their ability. It could be internship oppotunity, career advise, or suggestion of any kinds. Sometime I don't know how to help with my mentees. And it's gonna be hard to keep this relationship going without knowing that.



What is the most ideal mentorship be like to you?

Chun Ming Chin 2017 Mentor

To me the best mentors I had are those that gave me advice that is counter intuitive. I wouldn't think of it by myself by my own first principles analysis, or that I don't dare to think of some possibilities by myself and the mentor challenges me to think beyond my comfort zone. Best mentor is that students have to realize they have to think of themselves and not depend on their mentors for every advice


04 #MyYLPexperience

Rita Kuang -- Junior

(2017 YLP Mentee)

I feel very lucky to be one of the YLP family! By attending their monthly meetings and communicating with mentors and other mentee, I've learned a lot not only about leadership, but how to manage yourself. I met great people and heard great stories. I would say this was a memorable experience, and I am grateful to everyone who had helped me. #MyYLPexperience

Justin Wang - Sophomore - 2018 Comittee Member/2017 Mentee

YLP not only helps me a lot in my business soft skills and expands my social network, but also guides me towards my career path when I am in the mid of confusion. One thing I like the YLP the most is that people here are dedicated, passionate, and generous. This is a group of people who would be willing to get up early on a rainy Saturday morning to invest their time in their future. Being around with my driven peers helps me to reflect more on myself and teaches me how to work as a team. Strong mentorship and friendships is one of the biggest treasure I gained out of the YLP, and I recommend you to join us.#MyYLPexperience
05 2018日程表

Dec 31: Application Due (Counting Down!!) 报名点击“阅读原文”

Jan 6: Orientation & Networking

January 13: 1st Meeting

February 10: 2nd Meeting

March 3: 3rd Meeting

April 7: 4th Meeting

May 12: 5th Meeting



Program Chair: Wesley Tanoto
Preferred Language: English


Judy Wang

Preferred Language: Chinese or English


Happy Holidays!

文字排版:Judy Wang

审稿:Wesley Tanoto, Justin Wang, Angel Chen,Lilian Hong, Kael Yang

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