
2011 Global Mobile and Cloud Conference

kecoli 回复:0 | 查看:2526 | 发表于 2011-9-27 07:24:24 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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Please RSVP for 2011 Global Mobile and Cloud Conference @ http://gmcc2011.eventbrite.com/ (Lunch reservation will be closed on 10/3, and entrance by 10/7.)

The event will be held at Microsoft conference center on Oct. 8th (Sat.).  It will be such a unique opportunity to connect dots in the Mobile and Cloud computing industry, by combining “local innovation” and “global collaboration”.

The speakers include VPs of Microsoft (Terry Myerson from Mobile, and Quentin Clark from Server and Tools Business) and other seniors, Mayor of Bellevue, CTO of ZTE Wireless, President of Shanda Cloud, Chief Architect of Boeing Cloud, eVP of HSBC Canada, and many senior managers or directors from ATT, T-Mobile, Amazon, HTC, Samsung, SONY, Huawei, and so on.  Attendants include the celebrities from various fields from all around the world.  You will definitely gain rich network and valuable IT / business perspectives from this opportunity.

The detailed event and speaker information can be found here - http://www.gmcc2011.org/?q=node/6.

Please register @ http://gmcc2011.eventbrite.com/
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