08:30 AM: Boarding the bus at Burke Museum of UW (在华大北门上车)
08:45 AM: Departure Burke Museum of UW (从华大北门出发)
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Arriving at the Olympia church, Gospel Message by brother Zhou(在当地的教会参加福音聚会)
12:30 PM - 14:00 PM: lunch time(在当地的教会,用午餐)
14:20 PM - 14:50 PM: Arriving at the state capital building, free time and photo opportunity time(到达州政府,户外自由活动时间)
15:00 PM - 15:20 PM: Guided tour (参观州政府,有工作人员提供免费讲解)
15:20 PM - 15:50 PM: free time and photo opportunity time (讲解结束,自由参观州政府)
16:00 PM: Departure from the state capital building (离开州政府)
17:30 PM: Arriving at Burke Museum of UW (到达华大北门,旅行结束)
华盛顿大学的北大门(17 AVE NE & NE第45街)附近,靠近伯克博物馆(Burk Museum)东门口的停车场。