Cancel because the shower weather and no driver register.
参加活动的最底要求: 介壳类水生动物执照 (shellfish license, you can get it
from Fred Meyer store. it is good for one year from 4/1/2011 to 3/31/2012.
only $17)
活动内容: 挖 razor clams, small clams, butter clams, horse clams and oysters.
现有成员: 97名
时间:周六 4/9/2011, 6AM-6PM
集合时间: 5:50AM -6AM, 6AM 出发
集合地点:Lake City Library
12501 28th Ave. N.E.
Seattle, WA 98125
3 人车(包括司机):$14/人
2 人车(包括司机):$20/人
请将你的ID 和 email address 寄到俺的信箱里 seattlemushroomfarm@live.com。说明你是否可以开车? 可带几人?
2b.铁锹 for other clams
2c.oyster knife(bed bath and beyond有售)
clams: 2 plastic shopping bags are OK.
oysters: 32 oz container. Buy a 32oz yogurt from fred meyer.
It is less than $2. And then save the container.
4.胶鞋/ boots
6. extra pants
7. 手套
If the Westport is going to rain/shower on Saturday, we will CHANGE the
location and time since it is hard to see the razor clam show.
I will recheck the weather report on friday by 10AM.