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cjcxun 回复:1 | 查看:2382 | 发表于 2013-9-27 11:25:06 |阅读模式 |复制链接




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1.        The National Alpaca Farm Days

时间:9月28日 – 9月29日
The AOBA marketing committee has designed a comprehensive plan to increase the public's awareness of alpacas. Everyone's participation is significant to make this day successful. Our goal is for the public to easily find an alpaca farm or ranch in their area to visit on Sept 28thand/or 29th. This will give you an opportunity to share your passion for alpacas and meet new people interested in learning about this satisfying lifestyle.
The website www.nationalalpacafarmdays.com is open to the public through the summer and includes a map listing of your farm information and hours of operation as well as a link to your farm website if applicable.

2.        Six Flags Fright Fest 2013
第22届 六旗惊吓节

时间:9月13日 – 10月27日
Six Flags Great Adventure’s Fright Fest Presented by SNICKERS® promises family-friendly “thrills by day,” while an amped-up “fright by night” will deliver more Zombie Zones, Terror Trails (additional fee required), Halloween-themed shows and more screams than ever before.  
After 6 pm, the festival transitions to “fright by night” as nearly 200 zombies are released into the park. This fall, the park will introduce a new terror trail – Total Darkness presented by 3 MUSKETEERS® Brand, a blackout maze.  Lakefront will be home to a new scare zone, Straw-Man Stalkers, with blood-thirsty scarecrows.  Terror Trail favorites like Voodoo Island, Asylum presented by Dunkin' Donuts®, Wasteland presented by MILKY WAY® Brand and The Manor presented by göt2b®, now indoors, will return to terrorize guests. In total, Six Flags will offer six haunted walk-throughs and four scare zones.
Fright by Night is not recommended for children under 12 and those who scare easily.

发表于 2013-9-27 15:06:25
最近的貌似在laurel hurst,45和53的地方,有人去没
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