

oyouyouchen 回复:5 | 查看:2746 | 发表于 2013-9-3 09:55:08 |阅读模式   |复制链接




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本人贴了个电钢琴在上面卖 有人回了邮件想要 但是又不来看 直接就说要 说是让我把姓名 地址等信息给他  他直接开支票寄给我 甚至可以再出30刀给我作为保留费 但是他又不亲自来拿 而是让shipping agent来
本人第一次在这网站上卖东西 有比较有经验的tz吗? 这样是否正常啊 接近200刀的东西 看都不看就寄支票来。。。
我把他们的邮件也贴出来 麻烦大家帮我看看啊   谢谢!!

Thank you for getting back to me and I really appreciate your
response and I Hope it's in good condition like you have stated in the
post, I want to buy it from you. I'll want you to remove the
Craigslist advert and consider it sold to me, I'll be paying you via
certified bank check and the check will be delivered to you via
courier service and I hope you will keep this item for me? I don't
mind giving you extra $30 for it. Get back to me with the following
details information for the payment of the check so that I can
believed that we are on same page, such as ;

1. Your First and Last Name
2. Mailing Address (NOT P.O BOX)
3. City, State and Zip Code
4. Home Phone/Cell Number
5. Your Last asking price

I want you to know that you won't be responsible for the shipping, my
shipping agent will come over and pick it up as soon as you received
the check and Cash it. I also have some other goods I already bought
in nearby locations which my shipper will delivered all together to
me. I will get back to you with the tracking number of the check once
I made the payment out to you I need your quick response.
发表于 2013-9-3 09:58:26
总感觉我什么都让他知道了 但是他却见首不见尾 而且我的钢琴还是给的shipper 虽然他也给钱了
但是好没安全感 我是不是太纠结了。。。
发表于 2013-9-3 13:28:07
google了一圈 发现果然应该是诈骗 这个世界好不安全。。。
发表于 2013-9-3 19:39:30
发表于 2013-9-4 08:14:23
if the reply is more than 3 lines, 99% scam.
if more than 5 lines, 100%
发表于 2013-9-4 08:14:55
craigslist rule #1: local only, cash only
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