
STF 07/17 Event: Deep Dive of Mobile App and Mobile Service

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Event Details
What: Deep Dive of Mobile App and Mobile Service
When: Wed, July 17th, 2013 6:00pm -- 9:00pm
Where: Bellevue City Hall
Event style: Talks, Q&A and interactive discussion
Admission: Registration required
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/events/91549242/
Parking: Free (more parking available at City Hall's employee parking)
Food: light food/drink provided
Gifts: Swags from our sponsors are available, including major door prize(s).

We are expecting 100+ people from local companies, organizations and start-ups, not necessarily technical people, but also marketing professionals, PM, recruiters, investors...
Besides the senior speakers, there may be 30+ VIP guests from Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Boeing, Facebook, Zynga, Ebay, Intel, IBM, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC, Hulu, Oracle, SAP, CA, UW, City University, Seattle University, EMC, Expedia, Tableau, Zillow, SEOmoz, Bungie, Nintendo, Nordstrom, Alaska Airlines, Dice, Salesforce, SGI, VMWare, Citrix...

Come on time and print out the confirmation page to guarantee a seat.

Tentative Event Agenda, Speakers and Topics

6:00pm - 6:50pm, Networking (come early and meet interesting tech guru and investors)

6:50pm - 7:00pm, Introduction

7:00pm - 7:30pm, Talk
Mobile is eating our world, perspectives on the next chapter in mobile (hint its multi platform and worldwide)
Speaker: Russ Whitman, Chief Strategy Officer, Ratio Interative
The pace of mobility is accelerating, consumer and enterprise markets are adopting smart phones and tablets at frenetic pace. Perspectives from Chief Strategy Officer, Russ Whitman of Ratio about how to take advantage of the next chapter in mobile.
Russ serves as Ratio Interactive’s Chief Strategy Officer. With 18 years of entrepreneurial and start-up experience in Internet enabled markets, Russ brings a unique blend of technical, business and product  development experience that’s tested in the real world.  Over the last 2 years he has lead Ratio’s Mobile engagements across iOS, Android, Windows 8 and Mobile Web platforms with a focus on creating compelling experiences that meet client brand and business objectives. An innovator that believes in a “user first” mindset, Russ works closely with our Engineering and CRUX (Creative UX) teams to design and develop exceptional products.  Russ has proven time and time again his ability to lead and grow businesses from the ground up, combining great vision, a broad understanding of technology, and the strategic mind to put all the pieces together.
Previous speaking, CES, Internet Home alliance, Cnet TV, SWSW

7:30pm - 8:00pm, Talk
Making Mobile Apps Social
Speaker: Jason Clark, Software Engineer, Facebook
Its great to be a mobile app developer! Mobility opens-up a world of opportunity unavailable to software tethered to a desktop. Meanwhile, people love using great mobile apps. And if the app is great, people love interacting with their friends and family using their mobile devices. In this session Jason will show you how to leverage the combination of a mobile device and Facebook to make your application more engaging for your users, and more visible to their friends and other potential users. This session includes a combination of conceptual discussion as well as hands-on coding, to show how to provide common social features in your application.
Software and the ways in which we construct software occupy a significant portion of my attention, and have since 1984. Today my focus within this space is with social software development on mobile devices, as an engineer at Facebook. Prior to this my attention was on the ways software interacts with data, as an architect at Microsoft. If we go back any further than that, my memory gets fuzzy and my accuracy deteriorates.

8:00pm - 8:30pm, Talk
Mobile Computing in the Cloud
Speaker: Min Zhu, Principal Development Manager, Windows Phone, Microsoft
We will discuss about the overall competitive landscape of the mobile phone development, and we focus on the large scale service in the cloud that powers the live, fluid and cutomizable user experience.
Min Zhu is currently managing the development of the end to end scenarios of the Window Phone App Store, a collection of large scale cloud-based services. Before Microsoft Min worked at Amazon managing the ordering, shipping, notificaiton platforms for Amazon Marketplace, and led the effort of the Zillow Listing Platform and Mortgage Marketplace at Zillow.com.

8:30pm - 9:00pm, Q&A to all speakers, and interactive free discussion

9:00pm, Door prize draw

Intro of Sea-Tech Forum
Seattle Technical Forum is a loosely coupled Seattle-wide discussion forum for technology (esp. cloud, web, mobile, game, telecom ...). The forum is a platform for professionals to:
· Collaborate with other professionals
· Share ideas
· Foster creative brainstorming
· Promote your company, products, and technical events
Its members cover all major IT companies in the Seattle area and many start-ups and organizations.
Its event announcement reaches 20,000+ IT people.

Please join our discussion group at: http://groups.google.com/group/seattle-tech-forum & meetup at: http://www.meetup.com/Sea-Tech-Forum/ for event updates and, of course, lively discussion.
We also allow members to pre-register for events with a lowered registration fee.

We are actively seeking new sponsors and speakers for future events...

Intro of PDS Tech
PDS Tech, Inc., is an award winning speciality recruiting firm that supplies temporary staff and project support to Fortune 500 clients. Founded in 1977 by an aerospace engineer, PDS Tech has its roots in aerospace and defence engineering, IT staffing, and IT project support; PDS counts among its customers the finest companies in those industries. Over the years, PDS Tech has grown and diversified and now ranks in the top 30 staffing companies in the U.S. and is the 4th largest engineering staffing firm. PDS Tech has a reputation with its 10,000 plus contract employees for providing the most superior employment experience in the industry, including world class benefits and paperless employment solutions.
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