低俗喜劇 (2012)
导演: 彭浩翔
编剧: 彭浩翔
主演: 杜汶泽 / 邵音音 / 詹瑞文 / 叶山豪 / 邹凯光 / 陈静 / 薛凯琪 / 郑中基
类型: 喜剧 / 情色
制片国家/地区: 香港
语言: 粤语/英文字幕
上映日期: 2012-09-28
片长: 93分钟
电影监製杜惠彰(杜汶泽 饰),在电影圈混了多年仍是寂寂无名,「捞极唔掂」的他莫讲话要有资金开拍新片,甚至连付给大律师前妻(田蕊妮 饰)的赡养费都要一拖再拖。前妻鄙视他,但难得乖女仍当他是偶像,更说希望能在电视上看到他接受访问。為了达成女儿愿望,杜惠彰势要开拍新戏来个谷底反弹!
经好友雷永成(雷宇扬 饰)介绍下,杜惠彰结识内地投资人暴龙(郑中基 饰),他是广西黑社会老大,最爱吃野味及有另类性癖好。杜与雷為了得到开拍新电影的机会,為电影作出最终极最壮烈牺牲……最后他们得到暴龙的鼎力投资,但暴龙指定找其儿时偶像邵音音,复出重拍经典春宫片,更命名為《官人我又要》。
杜惠彰排除万难邀得邵音音(邵音音 饰)复出,以及因拍摄3D三级片而患上「人体爆炸恐惧症」的叶山豪(叶山豪 饰)担任男主角,更有出名口技了得的「爆炸嘴」模徐家欣(陈静 饰)瞓身演出。可惜导演黑仔达(邹凯光 饰)死性不改,例牌临时改剧本,不但令製作严重超支,更令谈好了的安全套赞助见财化水!
所谓祸不单行,此时暴龙提出一个无理要求、杜被助理Quin(薛凯琪 饰)告他性骚扰、叶山豪「人体爆炸恐惧症」复发辞演、杜又因拖欠赡养费而被前妻禁止见女儿……几经辛苦把电影拍成,却因暴龙不满而下令烧片,杜面对如此严峻兼疯癲的形势,究竟如何收拾?而他到底又会為电影作出如何壮烈的牺牺牲呢?
China Lion Film Distribution
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhQbaiMWSKc
Select Theatrical Release Starts September 28th
Running Time:93 minutes
Rating(s):U.S. – Not Rated, Ontario – TBD, British Columbia – TBD
Language(s): Cantonese with English and Mandarin subtitles
To Wai-cheung (Chapman To), a long-time film producer, is the guest speaker at a film school.When asked what a producer does for a film, his answer is through an analogy: a film producer is like pubic hair during sex – easing the friction between the bodies involved.Trying to change the subject, the professor leading the lecture shifts the subject to how a producer finds an investor or how he might use product placement: again, To replies with the same analogy – that it’s up to the director to finesse the parts together in order to get the film done.Yet there is so much more…
Director/Producer/Co-Writer Pang Ho-Cheung
Pang’s 2001 directorial debut You Shoot, I Shoot won Best Screenplay and Best Hong Kong film from the Golden Bauhinia Awards. Pang’s Men Suddenly in Black won him the Best Director Award from the Hong Kong Film Awards.The 2004 film Beyond Our Ken won Best Screenplay from the Golden Bauhinia Awards.The 2006 film Isabella won the Silver Bear in Best Composition from the Berlin Film Festival, the Best Asian Film from Fantasporto, and Best Picture from Bangkok World Film Festival.The 2007 The Exodus won Silver Shell in cinematography from the Spanish San Sebastian International Film Festival. 2010’s Love in a Puff won Best Screenplay from the Hong Kong Film Awards, and in the same year his Dream Home won Best Crazy Film from the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival.In 2012, Pang’s Love in the Buff (also released by China Lion Film Distribution throughout North America back in March) broke his personal box office record.Love in the Buff was the highest grossed Chinese film in Hong Kong in the first half of 2012.