导演: 彭浩翔
主演: 杨千嬅 / 余文乐 / 杨幂 / 徐峥
官方网站: www.mediaasia.com/loveinthebuff/
预告片:YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4NO14O0K5M&feature=youtu.be
首轮上映日期: 2012-03-30
西雅图,AMC Pacific Place 11: 600 Pine Street –Ste 400, Seattle, WA, 98101.
场次信息:待定,请关注 http://www.fandango.com
两年前,“鬼才”彭浩翔的一部《志明与春娇》,清新的风格和重口味的黑色幽默完美结合,让许多观众记住了余春娇和张志明的后巷七日情 。 3月,导演彭浩翔携续集《春娇与志明》强势归来,从香港到北京,继续演绎余春娇和张志明在相恋后的爱情故事。在《春娇与志明》中,新晋人气偶像杨幂和实力演技派徐铮加盟,与志明与春娇分别发展出了另一段感情。除了四大主演之外,《春娇与志明》的配角阵容也星光熠熠,黄晓明、郑伊健、王馨平、郝蕾等纷纷客串,在片中本色演出,带来不少笑料。
华狮电影会继续和北美AMC合作,在北美地区推出好看的华语电影。敬请通过以下方式关注我们! 官网:http://www.chinalionentertainment.com/
Love in the Buff
Select Theatrical Release Starts March 30th
Director: Pang Ho-cheung
Starring: Miriam Yeung; Shawn Yue; Xu Zheng; Mini Yang
Theater info in Seattle
AMC Pacific Place 11: 600 Pine Street –Ste 400, Seattle, WA, 98101.
Movie website:http://www.mediaasia.com/loveinthebuff/
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4NO14O0K5M&feature=youtu.be
Director Pang Ho-Cheung's sharp human observations are on full display in his newest movie, Love in the Buff, the highly anticipated sequel to his 2010 romantic comedy box-office smash Love in a Puff. When old flames reunite, will it be “second time's the charm” or a case of “once bitten twice shy?” Jimmy and Cherie, two ex-lovers from Hong Kong, cross paths in Beijing and can't seem to forget each other, despite being involved with someone else. Torn between fidelity towards their new partners or following their hearts, they explore the struggles, doubts and fears that exist among modern young couples. In 2010, Pang won the Best Screenwriter Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards for Love in a Puff.
Chinalion will continue working with AMC North America and bring more excellent Chinese movies to the US theaters! Feel free to join us on
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