招聘Part time job人员:时间灵活自由+工作轻松有趣
We are an online sales company named ZJW. Inc. We sell branded shoes, clothing and software on eBay. We're expanding our team, and we're looking for people who are entrepreneurial and ambitious. Selected candidates will grow with the company and will have broad opportunities for advancement. This is a part-time position with a daily salary of $100- $300, depending on experience. Basic computer skills, strong verbal and written communication skills. , whose main responsibilities are :- Create lists, print mail labels and reply to customer emails. Please add my WeChat wr17732627268, we can discuss further and arrange the work. Thank you for your time.Job type: full time, part time
招聘Ebay 客服丶销售人员:
有EBAY 销售经验,熟悉ebay policy,能够独立上传listing 优先
有兴趣的微信联系 wr17732627268