征驴友: Christmas road trip to SF, LA, LV, SD
我和两芝加哥来的朋友约好圣诞节游LA, 打算自己开车去加州并游玩主要景点(三藩市,洛杉矶,拉斯维加斯,圣地亚哥,big sur)。 诚征1-2驴友,share cost and fun, 具体日程一起商量。有驾照者优先。drafted schedule:
Seattl-LA: Dec 22-23
LA: Dec 23-26 (fixed)
LV: Dec 26-28
SD: Dec 28-30
SF: Dec 30-Jan 1
SF-Seattle: Jan 1-2
drafted buget:
rental car: $200 for 12 days
hotel: $80/night *11 night = $800 (potientally stay with my friend in SF and save two nights)
meal: $30-40/day *12 days = $400
total: $1400
有兴趣者, 请联系stellahuangusa@hotmail.com
我是80后, 女生 ^_^