七夕情人节男女生速配约会Chinese Valentine’s Day Speed Dating for Millennials
中国七夕情人节在8月,为了庆祝这个节日,西雅图公立图书馆Beacon Hill Branch专门为西雅图地区的80、90后单身男女生设计了七夕男女生速配约会。来参加的男女都能与到会的每个异性有一对一的单独聊天“约会”时间,每次约会是四分钟。请不要错过这个觅佳缘建友谊的欢乐相逢时光!我们备有简单茶点。
3:00-3:10 欢迎时间
3:10-4:30 一对一速配约会
4:30-5:30 自由交流时间
Looking for a fun way to connect with other single millennials in the area? Try speed dating at the Library! In honor of the Chinese Valentine’s Day, The Seattle Public Library’s Beacon Hill Branch will host a free speed dating event. Participants will have multiple one-on-one conversations (“dates”) and each date will be four minutes. Light refreshments will be provided and Library staff will be on hand to keep things flowing.What happens next is another story - yours.
Space is limited, please register at: www.spldating.eventbrite.com<http://www.spldating.eventbrite.com>
Saturday, August 6th
3:00-3:10 Welcome and Introduction
3:10-4:30 Speed Dating rounds
4:30-5:30 Social Mingle Time