ne0987 发表于 2011-4-26 09:24:23

取消: 西雅图户外活动小组活动四:周日 5/1/2011

本帖最后由 ne0987 于 2011-4-30 16:32 编辑

Sorry, I just notice that the beach I planed to go is "boat access" only.
If anyone still like to go, you can go to "FAY BAINBRIDGE PARK". This park
is OK by bike.


骑自行车到 Bainbridge Island。

大概地点: Bainbridge Island

集合地点:Bainbridge Island ferry
          801 Alaskan Way Pier 52
          Seattle, WA 98104

骑自行车单程:6.4 miles at Bainbridge Island

内容: 看看这个岛的海边有什么, 挖蛤(clam),捡海砺子(oysters)

时间:周日 5/1/2011

集合时间: 8:30AM

船离开码头时间(Bainbridge Island): 8:45AM

ne0987 发表于 2011-4-29 09:52:40

May is National Bike Month!

ne0987 发表于 2011-4-30 16:32:21

Sorry, I just notice that the beach I planed to go is "boat access" only.
If anyone still like to go, you can go to "FAY BAINBRIDGE PARK". This park
is OK by bike.
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 取消: 西雅图户外活动小组活动四:周日 5/1/2011