ne0987 发表于 2011-4-12 10:17:59

完成--西雅图户外活动小组活动三:周日 4/17/2011

本帖最后由 ne0987 于 2011-4-18 10:14 编辑



参加活动的最底要求: 介壳类水生动物执照 (shellfish license, you can get it
from Fred Meyer store. it is good for 1 year from 4/1/2011 to 3/31/2012 for
just $17)

大概地点: North Hood Canal
集合地点:Lake City Library
          12501 28th Ave. N.E.
          Seattle, WA 98125

单程:28 miles (include 5.5 miles on the boat)

内容:挖蛤(clam),捡海砺子(oysters), bird watching, beach walking

时间:周日 4/17/2011, 7AM-1PM
集合时间:6:50Am-7AM, 7 AM 出发
船离开码头时间(Kington Ferry): 7:50AM

4人车(包括司机):$14+tax/人(I am not sure they charge tax or not)
   detail of the fees:
   Gas for each car: $10
   摆渡船 for car and driver: $12.15 X 2
   passager around trip: $7.1 /each
5 人车(包括司机):$13+tax/人(I am not sure they charge tax or not)
3 人车(包括司机):$17+tax/人(I am not sure they charge tax or not)
2 人车(包括司机):$21+tax/人(I am not sure they charge tax or not)--------

请将你的ID 和 email address 寄到俺的信箱里。说明你是否可以开车(周日是毛毛雨

谢谢 ne0987

1.shellfish license
2.铁锹,oyster knife(bed bath and beyond有售)
clams:plastic shopping bag is OK.
oysters: 32 oz container. Buy a 32oz yogurt from fred meyer.
It is less than $2. And then save the container. :)
6. Cash

ne0987 发表于 2011-4-12 13:39:51

We have a driver sign up. So if you don’t have a car, feel free to sign up too. :)

ne0987 发表于 2011-4-18 09:24:00

1. 共公汽车到 Lake City 图书馆(Buses to Lake City Library )
41, 64, 65, 72, 75, 79, 243, 306,309, 312, 330, 372, 522.
2. Online trip Planner:

Cerezo 发表于 2011-4-18 09:36:56

You should post more details about these trips.Things like where you are planning to go (it may be obvious but not everybody knows), other activities other than digging clams (it's a long day), approximate number of people attending, male/female ratio, experience from the previous meetings etc., all will stimulate the interests for more people to attend.I am sure most people's intends are to meet new people.

ne0987 发表于 2011-4-18 10:16:41

回复 4# Cerezo

Since we don't have many drivers, we only can help limited people each time.

Cerezo 发表于 2011-4-18 10:35:48

Again, it's how you decide to represent these trips.If it sounds interesting I am sure more drivers will go, myself included.
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查看完整版本: 完成--西雅图户外活动小组活动三:周日 4/17/2011