ne0987 发表于 2011-3-29 10:27:36

完成-- 西雅图户外活动小组活动一:周日 4/3/2011

本帖最后由 ne0987 于 2011-4-8 07:13 编辑


参加活动的最底要求: 介壳类水生动物执照(shellfish license, you can get it from Fred Meyer store $17)
现有成员: 60名
时间:周日 4/3/2011, 9:30AM-4PM
集合地点:Lake City Library
          12501 28th Ave. N.E.
          Seattle, WA 98125
3 人车(包括司机):$8/人
2 人车(包括司机):$10/人

请将你的ID 和 email address 寄到俺的信箱里,。说明你是否可以开车(周日是毛毛雨

谢谢 ne0987

春哥 发表于 2011-3-29 16:08:46


ne0987 发表于 2011-3-30 08:55:29

回复 2# 春哥

    Yup, the fun time starts now:)

Candy 发表于 2011-3-30 11:50:20

ne0987 发表于 2011-3-31 12:34:54

回复 4# Candy

    A few, most people just ask info or go with their parents and children. That is why I post here since many singles or couples are here.

yifeir 发表于 2011-3-31 21:50:46


Candy 发表于 2011-4-1 08:33:29

ne0987 发表于 2011-4-1 12:51:18

Here is the check list for you to bring:
1. A shellfish license. you can buy it online or get it from Fredmeyer.
you need these 3 items: Annual Shellfish/Seaweed, Puget Sound Crab
Endorsement, Puget Sound Crab Endorsement on I-5 Temp. https://fishhunt.dfw.
2. oyster knife
3. shovel
4. shopping bag for clams
5. 32 oz container for your oysters, or two 16 oz jars
6. boots or old shoes
7. gloves
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查看完整版本: 完成-- 西雅图户外活动小组活动一:周日 4/3/2011