Would like to have a FUN networking event?
Would like to have a FUN networking event? Join us Hong Kong Association of Washington (HKAW) Speed Networking on 1/20/2011!HKAW Speed Networking
Event Date: 1/20/2011
Time: Check-in 6:30pm; Event 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Pricing: Pre-sale: $5 (Members), $10 (Non-members); Door-tickets: $10 (Members), $15 (Non-members)
Location: O'Asian Kitchen Restaurant (@ Seattle Downtown w/ free parking)
Website: www. hkaw.org ==== to "New Event" page
Event Description:
Hong Kong Association of Washington presents – Speed Networking!
This Speed Networking Event is for young professionals and professionals to gather and network. We hope you will come and leave with an extra connection to the door of your professional future.
We are looking for 25 professionals in their career paths and 25 younger professionals. These spots are filled up via a first come, first serve basis.
Don’t miss out on our 1st event of 2011!
For any questions, please contact: Fiona Wu (Email address: jywfio@gmail.com)